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OT: What abt Lightscape / Max Radiosity/Light tracer?

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  • OT: What abt Lightscape / Max Radiosity/Light tracer?

    Hi guys,

    Its been years since I last touched lightscape.
    I was wondering whether lightscape and max radiosity/light tracer...
    are still relevant now that I use vray?

    In terms of speed, quality , etc etc.

    Used to shun radiosity due to huge rendering time,
    and things slowing down to a crawl with anything other than
    clean 'tadao ando' like interiors.
    Has things changed since then?

  • #2
    Lightscape rests at the bottom of the ocean now.


    • #3
      Here Here
      long live Vray


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dogzilla
        Lightscape rests at the bottom of the ocean now.
        I don't like the question..

        Put lightscape on a p4 3ghz and it will blow away the viz4/max5 radiosity.
        Use lightscape on an interior and it will blow away viz4/max5 and any other 3dr party renderer.

        Not only lightscape is fast, also radiance.
        I think we remember that software on old PII 300mhz, but on a modern machine it gives you accurate and fast results ..have you ever run vray on such machines? | - home of hdri knowledge


        • #5
          but to get good results from Lightscape you have to be very carefull on how you do your model eg.. no insertions...or resulting Artifacts.
          i totaly agree with you, Lightscape was and is still a good solution for RADIOSITY.........but when you break into the world of Global Illumination and Caustics, its a different ball game.
          At the end of the day Radiostity is an old technology which still produces good results.......but on a scene with 2 million polygon......god help you.



          • #6
            i agree, the number of polygons and file sizes for models (once radiosity was calculated) is what drove me away from using that technology. i switched to viz/max radiosity (over lightscape) because i was completely tired of translating back and forth between modeling and rendering programs. i wanted a cleaner and more direct design process and you can't have that when you have to translate files from one program to another.

            now, because of the file size issue and the limitations of the max raytracer - i am 100% vray (for now at least).

