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about net render

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  • about net render

    hi there.
    when i want to make a render with differents pc´s, i´m using the queue manager of max..5.1..i know that v ray have some thing to make a net render, what are the difference betwen use the queue manager or render whit the vr net render? any body know what are the better way to make a net render?

    thank you...

  • #2
    I a way, it depends of the number of computer in your renderfarm, the kind of scene to render and the number of frames.

    I'd say that you'd better use the regular queueman and no DR because it's not so accurate. Some buckets are often missing, or you have to wait for them, or the computer qhich is rendering it is down, etc...

    The 5.1 backburner is totally lame for more than 30 PCs and huge scenes &/or many monitoring requests at once, but it may fit your desires.

    You may even try some imap optiions such as caching your imap, for exemple.


    • #3
      Backburner (max net render) is intended for animation, each PC render a frame and send it to the manager PC until the animation is completed.

      With Distributed renderer (vray), your entire network render only ONE frame, rendering small parts of the frame and sending the result to manager. It's used for rendering large images, most of them for printing after.

      Anyway, vray can be used as current renderer an still using backburner for rendering an animation.



      • #4
        thank you....

