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Animating with GI problem

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  • Animating with GI problem

    Hi, guys.

    I´m kinda new to V-Ray. I´m not a renderfreak, but an animator (at least a wannabe ). Anyways my problem is that when I´m rendering with GI the backgound light/color changes slighlty every couple of frames. This is not a problem whith stills (duh), but when animating it looks like the background flickers.

    I have not had the same problem with Brazil or Maxs scanline, but IMO Vray produces a mutch better picture.

    So, any thoughts would be mutch appreciated.


  • #2
    Make sure you have a properly registred versjon..



    • #3

      these chaotic dimension guys are so cool.
      if its not enough to write worlds fastest raytracer from scratch,
      they also invent a copy protection that makes those illegal users
      come here to an official forum and say: "look mister, i have a warez version that doesnt work, please check my IP and report me to the feds!"
      Reflect, repent and reboot.
      Order shall return.


      • #4
        not so true, my demo version does this off and on and it drives me up the wall.

        And also don't assume piracy right off the bat, because if it was pirated, then he wouldn't have the problem, there is a version out that works 100%.
        5 years and counting.


        • #5
          proper version of what? a proper version of a pirated copy? contradiction in terms?

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #6
            bah, sue me. its fixed. :P
            5 years and counting.


            • #7
              we have all probably used cracked software in our time, in some cases its the only way we all get to learn, but if you love your renderer like we all do, you should buy it.
              The guys at Chaos must have worked damn hard and long to bring Vray to the masses, the least we can do is to buy the best renderer on the market.

              Respect to Vray

