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V-Ray Frame buffer o/p. Can't o/p to tiff

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  • V-Ray Frame buffer o/p. Can't o/p to tiff

    Hi Everyone,

    Well I have a render in my Vray frame buffer, but I can only seem to save it as an EXR format to having it look anything close to what I have rendered.

    Even then, when opening the EXR in photoshop I have some tweaking to do to get something close to the result shown in the framebuffer.

    I just want to be able to save exactly what I see in the Vray frame buffer without having to tweak things in post later.

    Any ideas as to how I can fix my problem, and maybe why I can't save a a tiff.


  • #2
    Do you use the "sRGB" button in the V-Ray VFB? What is your 3ds Max output gamma setting?

    As to why you can't save TIFF, I'm not sure - you should be able to save to any format supported by 3ds Max.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hi Vlado,

      Yes, I do use the sRGB button in the frame buffer.

      Does using the sRGB option pose a problem.. If I don't use it my o/p is very dark.

      Here are my overall gamma settings too.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	gamma2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	44.6 KB
ID:	843343
      Click image for larger version

Name:	gama.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	69.5 KB
ID:	843341
      What is the best solution for my problem.


      More developments

      When I save the file as a TIFF etc.. I find that IF I save with a gamma of 2.2, it Kinda works...

      I say kinda, as although the saved image it brighter, it seems more washed out.. Ahg.

      Any solutions?

      Attached is an image showing my Vray frame buffer, then the o/p saved as a tiff with 2.2 gamma...
      Hopefully you can see how it looks washed out now, compared to the Vray frame buffer.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	saving with 2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	261.1 KB
ID:	843342

      Last edited by phoenix4; 17-09-2010, 10:44 PM. Reason: more developments


      • #4
        Well, now that I got the Tiff o/p sorted (has to be saved @ 2.2 Gamma)

        The washed out look remained.

        I think I have isolated the issue....

        If I open the Tiff in PSP, it seems to look More normal (still not 100% as in the frame buffer tho). But in PS, it looks washed out.

        Ahg, go figure.


        I changed my colour correction to use a default profile in windows, so PS and PSP both display the the tiff the same now
        (still not 100% as in the frame buffer tho)
        Last edited by phoenix4; 18-09-2010, 09:11 AM. Reason: more info


        • #5

          I am no sure if this has to do anything.

          Attached is a image of the vray framebuffer, and an image of the window when the
          'Duplicate to Max framebuffer' is pressed.

          As you can see they appear differenly. (although very subtle)
          Click image for larger version

Name:	mfb.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	266.0 KB
ID:	843344
          (The max framebuffer one appears a little more washed out/looks like it has less contrast)

          Any thoughts?


