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White spotches with high settings

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  • White spotches with high settings

    Hi everybody:

    I've been playing with the latest version of the demo version and in a very simple scene (just a room with a hole to allow the skylight passing thru and a ball inside) I always get some annoying white spotches. This occur mainly with high quality preset. It's like a light leak, but it occurs not only in seams , also in the middle of faces.

    My scene is modelled with solids, I don't think they could be lightleaks.

    I'm I missing some important switch? Thanx for your help

  • #2
    Would be good to see a pic of your problem, maybe you have the same problem I´ve got. Have a look at this topic:

    Are you using a Pentium4 or WinXP?
    If it´s the same try setting the Color Treshold settings to 0,4 and Normal Treshold to 0,5 in GI Rendering rollout.



    • #3
      I'm using winxp and athlon xp 1900

      In previous version that bug never appeared, just in this one.

      BTW, can u tell me how can I post an image of this problem?

      Thank you very much


      • #4
        I think you can´t upload any images on the chaos-server.
        You have to have web space somewhere for it and link it ore use the IMG button. If not send me the image and I put it up here.

        If it´s the same it might be XP?


        • #5
          Watching your video, seems that you have a very strange problem related to the image itself or maybe your video card.

          My problem seems to be more than a G.I. issue or a geometry issue, because the spotches that appear are not so bright, and they seem to be part of the geometry color. I tweaked the settings as you mentioned, but I've got even more "lightleaks"!

          As I mentioned, with low presets, there is no problem!!

          Thanx again

