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2 questions for you guys!!! eeek

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  • 2 questions for you guys!!! eeek

    Ok i have 2 questions. Question #1 Im creating an animation with video clips as if they were on a tv and a jumbo tron. I have the mov files to be placed as materials but i want them to cast light as a tv will cast light on to surfaces and movie screens do the same but are bouncing light off a source. I have tried making the material self illuminating but its not working and i have also trie placing a light projecting itself onto the animated surface to try to difuse light off of it. Does anyone have any tricks on how to do this?

    Question #2 Im getting very impatient with my self my main problem wiht 3d is the material aspect of renderings. I am but a single person in my firm with no time at all to make custom mats and we have no library can anyone suggest any good texture and material libraries? and any tips or tricks for creating materials for photo realistic scenes. THANK YOU ALL FOR EVEN READING THESE questions ! Thanks in advance

  • #2
    This should take care of #1
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      There is a very nice Goncalo's material library here:

      And another one here (precious stones and metals):

      There is a thread at this forum about texture-mapped area lights which might be what you need for your project



      • #4
        Aaah, you were faster, I see


        • #5
          I only answered one question
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            thanks very much everyone !

            wondering if anyone knew answers to the other question?
            thanks again!


            • #7
              You mean how to create realistic textures?

              First you need to understand the vraymatl. Basicly all you need to know is that diffuse is your color or bitmap and that glossy reflections and refractions are those that are not like a mirror. fresnel reflections are effected by the ior setting or you can use the ior map slot. The Bump slot like in a standard material effects the smoothness of the surface.

              Next you need to have some understanding of the material you are going to create. Is it smooth or bumpy, is it matte or shiny, is it clear or opaque? Also you must notice if it has fresnel effect, is it metal or glass or? has a nice listing of ior's for such materials. By studying these aspects and understanding their relation to the settings in the vraymtl it is pretty easy to get very close to the right look without ever seeing it rendered. Then a few renders and some tweaking and viola.
              Eric Boer


              • #8
                experimenting a lot also helps.
                5 years and counting.

