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Asset manager/browser recommendations?

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  • Asset manager/browser recommendations?

    This is not vray specific but here goes. My library of 3d max models is starting to get big enough that I think i could benefit from an asset manager plugin. Plants, furniture, etc. I would use the asset manager to browse folders of my max files and then merge or Xref Object them into the scene, etc. Does anyone use something that they recommend? Primarily a max model browser is my goal. Maps, HDRI, etc is less important but would be nice.

    This one looks simple and free but is not running right on my setup (dot net error).

    This one looks pretty good but new and minimal forum stuff:

    Any others? Any advice for me?
    • Dual 3.47 ghz Hex Core Xeon CPUs; 96GB Ram; SSD Drive; 3dsMax 2020; V-Ray; Sketchup 2020
    • Love these Plugin/Scripts: ForestPro, RailclonePro, Soulburner, Populate Terrain

  • #2
    Late reply but I am looking into the same solutions at the moment. We have amassed a fairly big library of 3D models, and have them all categorised neatly in explorer. Now the next step is to find a way to batch render thumbnails and quickly browse/merge within max etc.

    I have found the same two asset managers as above. I would like to know if anyone is using them with any success before I potentially destroy my asset library while testing them out.

    So anyone have any experience with these or other asset manager tools?

    Toucan Creative
    Linkedin Profile


    • #3
      you guys should give this a shot, its not free but ive seen it around alot seems very useful,


      • #4
        Over the past several months I've used both. I don't have time to do a complete comparision but here are some highlights:

        The HCG script was pretty good. Simple and light weight, but it ended up dropping it since it wasn't being developed. I ended up purchasing Project Manager from K Studio. It is being actively developed and supported. I got a prompt reply on their forum when I had an issue.

        I use it mostly for model assets, but I really dig the IES thumbnail generator. Super fast. I had a folder with several hundred IES files and it whipped through them in a few minutes. I think I'm now using IES files more often now that I can see the distribution patterns.

        The model thumbnails are generated pretty well. I sometimes get odd results if the model isn't sitting at or near 0,0,0. There are options to customize the thumbnail generation - render presets and custom studios files.

        Using PM to merge files is generally good. It will auto-search and re-path texture maps. Very handy. One issue that I need to look into further and maybe send a query to K Studio is when I merge files using PM it will move the model pivot point to its bottom center. Sometimes that is not an issue, but some models the pivot location is very important.

        I like that you can customize the tree-view with custom catalogs and folders.

        So far I'd say PM is a pretty good value for what I paid for it.


        • #5
          Thanks for your response, PixelJockey. Your vote of confidence helps a lot, particularly your comments regarding support. Trusting my library to a third-party plugin is a bit daunting so its good to know they are helpful when there are problems/tech issues.

          Hopefully I can find some time between projects soon to test out PM.

          Toucan Creative
          Linkedin Profile


          • #6
            I actually work with the developer of the HCG asset browser and it is being actively developed.
            If more people ask for updates I am sure he would sort something out.
            Chris Jackson


            • #7
              HCG Asset Browser being actively developed ? How ? Where ? I bought it a long time ago, but since it wasn't updated any longer I stopped using it. Project Manager may be nice, but I don't like license conditions being changed somewhere in the middle. So I use Mootools 3D Photo Browser for organizing my models and textures: very good support, very flexible licensing and the 'oldest' one around


              • #8
                +1 for Project Manager.
                Pretty good and useful overall. Have had some bugs with it over the period of updates but is generally pretty solid now.

                Vu Nguyen

