I'm running a render now that is a honey jar (glass) with honey dripping down and pooling inside. Normally I use LC/BF but am trying to play with LC/IM these days.
The projected render time is currently 79 hours, and that seems a bit long with 2X 980X plus 2X 920 plus a Xeon 5355 and a Q6600 all contributing via DR.
(I might have expected 10-12 hours with BF, perhaps a little longer.)
Because the render is running right now I can't see the exact setup, but IM was configured with the high preset, then changed to something like -6/-1 and 200 Subdivisions. Detail enhancement is on. Render size is 4K. There is a lot of depth of field blur going on as well, but no motion blur. Photon mapped caustics are off.
I'm wondering if this render time suggests bad settings somewhere, or if this is just the wrong choice of GI for the subject? Some time ago I tried a similar scene using SolidRocks to configure the IM and it was also much slower than my LC/BF.
Any input to guide my testing/optimizing, or should I just go back to LC/BF for this kind of thing?
Thanks /b
The projected render time is currently 79 hours, and that seems a bit long with 2X 980X plus 2X 920 plus a Xeon 5355 and a Q6600 all contributing via DR.
(I might have expected 10-12 hours with BF, perhaps a little longer.)
Because the render is running right now I can't see the exact setup, but IM was configured with the high preset, then changed to something like -6/-1 and 200 Subdivisions. Detail enhancement is on. Render size is 4K. There is a lot of depth of field blur going on as well, but no motion blur. Photon mapped caustics are off.
I'm wondering if this render time suggests bad settings somewhere, or if this is just the wrong choice of GI for the subject? Some time ago I tried a similar scene using SolidRocks to configure the IM and it was also much slower than my LC/BF.
Any input to guide my testing/optimizing, or should I just go back to LC/BF for this kind of thing?
Thanks /b