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    I do not obtain to have access the page what it happened with it is is of air? Which is the certain address?

    Please they help me, I tried to have access it some times but never I obtained!

    sorry my english!

  • #2
    The site is up and running. Most likely the problem lies with your ISP. I would contact them, give them the web address, and have them check their routing and DNS.
    Torgeir Holm |


    • #3
      I tried to have access this page of some different computers, but I did not obtain! It forgives my ignorance, but what it is ISP? E what it is DNS?



      • #4
        Your internet service provider.

        If they are having problems none of your computers will be able to access the site.
        Torgeir Holm |


        • #5
          I live in the Brazil, and have connection of 256kb/s but I tried to enter in this page for some different computers that also has suppliers and different connections but I did not have success. I know people who obtain to have access, and others that do not obtain...


          • #6
            You need to contact the company that provides your internet connection and tell them that you can't connect to that address so that they can check to make sure everything is routing correctly.


            • #7
              hey folks...

              i'm from brazil too and here think that anyone can acess the adress.. its very bad for as because this is a very important adress for who wants to learn about vray... but it was not always like that, sometime ago, we could acess without problem, all times, but now its almost impossible. Dont think this problem can be from internet service provider because i have lot of friends in diferents states and they havent acess it . Should be a wonderful idea if someone could solve this problem to us , brazilians who love vray and are without this so important site .

              silverio - Natal /RN - BRAZIL


              • #8

                I'd still appreciate if you could have your ISP check it out. I don't know how many ISPs there are in Brazil, and how their DNS servers are set up, but the fact that the issue seems to be local makes me think it is on your end. The site does work for everyone else it seems, at least the traffic is high and is increasing every month.
                Torgeir Holm |


                • #9
                  i would like to say that at home with another internet service provider, i can acess the page. At office never more i could acess it. in a talked with support of my ISP , theu said that the page was of line and was only a coincidence that at home i get acess. This should really be real? should someone give me any trick about what point could i tell to my support and so they could solve the problem.
                  thanks one more time


                  • #10
                    Well, the page hasn't been offline as far as I know. Uptime should be close to 100% the past year.

                    My logs also show that it is being accessed all the time. Like right now, it has 18 active sessions. That means it is working for 18 people. By the way, 4 of those sessions are from Brazil.
                    Torgeir Holm |


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by silverioneto
                      in a talked with support of my ISP , theu said that the page was of line and was only a coincidence that at home i get acess
                      how could it be a coincidence?....if its off line, its off line.
                      but if you can access it at home (unless its simply still in your browser cache), it means that there is a problem at the office.

                      many offices have systems set up to block certain pages, usually porn type filters, but some sites can be lumped in that categorey even if they are legit.

                      at my office they also have blocks on sites that use active X controls. now i dont know if uses it, but i can access the page without any problem from both the office and from home.

                      i hope it gets resolved soon my friend, is a great resource for anyone using vRay and would be sorely missed in this office.


                      • #12
                        The only activeX control in use is FlashPlayer, for the banners. But if they block all sites that use that the internet becomes a pretty small place
                        Torgeir Holm |


                        • #13
                          pfft. tell me about it. drives me nuts. but ive found that flash5 files dont prompt the activeX warning, just the Flash6 player.

                          and i dont get any restrictions on

