get it here:
let me know if you understand the concept of the link button...
i hope the manual is understandable.
current limitations:
-) The current version does not work with 3ds max 4/VIZ4.
-) Filtering type (Area, Mitchel, etc...) currently can't be loaded from presets because the setting doesn't seem to be correctly exposed to maxscript.
-) Map slots will not be included into presets.
planned for future releases:
-) support for other renderers.
would be a matter of minutes. if cebas and splutterfish release unrestricted trial versions i will do it.
-) max/viz 4 support, with some restrictions...don't know...depends on the feedback.
-) support for expressions in the presets.
-) subfolder organisation of presets
-) maps support
have fun!