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HSV exponental kills too much light?

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  • HSV exponental kills too much light?

    I got a room lit with direct light (sun) and skylight. When I render it with exponental everything looks fine except colors. But when I render it with HSV exponental colors are fine but I lose the bright spot on the floor coming from sun. The room looks like it lit by sun but there is no sun...
    Is this supposed to be like this?

  • #2
    I had/have a bit-o-that problem. See
    look at the first or second image.
    I wanted a mix of color so I used mainly bluish skylight w/ a slightly
    orange sky light. HSV color mapping handled everything well but the sun
    hitting the floor looks very odd. The only choice I have is to take a different approach
    or move the sunlight out of the shot.

    Not sure really how to handle this. Working on another living room that
    uses HSV with skylight only. Will post when complete, another day or so.
    "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


    • #3
      There are so many talented artists at this forum, I don't believe that nobody has an answer.
      To Dman3D: great image BTW.


      • #4

        Dman3d...that's a really good image. The clients satisfaction is all that matters and that the bill is paid in full. Beyond that , the satisfaction of your toughest client (yourself) can be taken care in your spare time...ya dig.

        Indecisive archictects will be the death of us all.


        • #5
          I ve been plaing with HSV a lot, and usualy if your skylight color have its default 1.0 value and the sun light also 1.0, you can use the dark multiplier of the color mapping at 8.0 or more without problems in interior scenes. Try a white color for Sun it helps me too...



          • #6
            GoncaloP to the rescue as usual, many thanks.
            Hope some of this helps, thanks for the comment on the image.

            Sadly that one was for fun, can you believe it!? Im into a self torment
            thing. I find most of the time to really get expressive with the work I end
            up doing things for myself. It can be really difficult to explain to clients
            and bosses why white paint is not actually white and why skylight and
            sunlight are not white.

            Sorry that got a bit off topic.
            "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


            • #7
              To GoncaloP:
              The thing is my sun has a white color, multipier is 5.0, in color mapping the dark mult. is 1.7. The scene is perfectly lit but the bright spot from the sun on the floor is missing as soon as I use HSV...
              Any more ideas?...


              • #8
                my explanation for why the white isn't really white is simply that in real life it's not really white either, but your brain interprits it as white

                usually girlfriend definately understands it now as the lite peach color ceiling in her light purple room looks bright white


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lilodav
                  To GoncaloP:
                  The thing is my sun has a white color, multipier is 5.0, in color mapping the dark mult. is 1.7. The scene is perfectly lit but the bright spot from the sun on the floor is missing as soon as I use HSV...
                  Any more ideas?...
                  Change the sun multiplier to 1.0 and rise the dark multiplier to 8.0 or so, it can help I think...



                  • #10
                    my explanation for why the white isn't really white is simply that in real life it's not really white either, but your brain interprits it as white
                    Done the same thing and it works some times, the remainder give a blank
                    stare and then continue to pester me to make all white objects 255,255,255
                    Ah, what can you do.
                    "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


                    • #11
                      it seems to me that there should be a saturation controler w/ HSV exponantial that would allow us to control how much the exposure is saturating the light hitting an object.....
                      for example in your interior scene Dman3d, the spot on the floor where the sunlight is hitting is over saturated making the floor wood look odd. However, the darker and lighter multipliers seem inadeguate to control this kind of that forces one to either choose a different exposure method to compensate with the lighting color/multiplier ifself or more extreme, in photoshop.



                      • #12
                        Makes sense, but I think Vlado might dream about saturation control
                        since we pester him so much about it.
                        I think exposure is a good term to use, Color Mapping is not
                        a misnomer but exposure is how I think of color mapping now.
                        "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."

