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Help Needed Urgently!

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  • Help Needed Urgently!


    I've included two unfinished (very) 'rough' scenes from a cafeteria model I am working on. I am using Photometric Free Point lights in an effort to duplicate the existing lighting scheme, unfortunately whatever I do the scene looks 'washed out' and unrealistic.

    I am completely at my wits end and at your mercy. Is there any pointers, criticisms etc that you could give me? All help very, very, much appreciated!


  • #2
    you say that you are using the photometric lights - are you using an IES file for those lights? in your screenshot, the way the light icon looks - it looks like you aren't using an IES file. using an IES file that matches the kind of lights that are in the space will be the best way to control the light diffusion.


    • #3
      I am using IES file 1589835-nice from Erco. I know what you mean though, in plan it does look like the generic spotlight icon.


      • #4
        I think maybe part of your problem is the floor material looks like the wall material and the reflections coming off the alum counters are to reflective (again looking like the walls and floor)

        So, try turning down the reflection looks to mirror like and change the color completely of the floor. Both could be minor tweaks to get a bit more contrast.



        • #5
          i actually don't think the images look that washed out. considering the light colored materials that you are using - that's going to bounce alot of light around in the space.

          does the design for the space actually call for down lights like you are using? I would think that they would use 2x2 or 2x4 flourescent lighting. i think it would soften up the lighting in that case.

          you've tried lowering the intensity of the lights?


          • #6
            Thanks very much for the suggestions.

            Unfortunately the Interior designer's spec calls for yellow rubber floor mats and 'sunshine yellow' for the walls. Not my cup of tea but.....

            I have also tried turning the intensity of the lights down, but to no avail.

            I am going to try to implement the other lighting/reflection ideas tomorrow. It's 10.10 here, and I need a beer.

            Any other criticisms/suggestions most welcome in the meantime.


            • #7
              Wouldn't your down lights be in cans?



              • #8
                I think your countertop base is reflecting alot of light around the scene. Does the base have to be a reflective material? Temporarily change that to a matte material and see how that makes a difference. If so, reduce the reflectivity- or worse case scenario, render out base separately and remap at. At least that's how I'd go but then again I'm a newbie...

                LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                • #9
                  I also learned this new trick today- under rendering/settings/ select object button. pick your plane/floor then lower the generate GI value. see if that works.
                  LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                  HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                  Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

