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Help with light bounces

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  • Help with light bounces

    Any idea how I can light up the interior of the building ? Currently the exterior look too bright but the interior is still looks dark.

    I am using Irradiance Map for First Diffuse Bounce and Direct Computation for Secondary Bounce with Depth=3 ... Even if I set this to 10, nothing change

  • #2
    hide your glass and pre calc the Irradiance map, this will let the GI environment into the room.

    are you using the override max environment? give it a try if not


    • #3
      Some VRaylights at the openings will also help.

      Vu Nguyen


      • #4
        Thanks, R2J2 ... I have hide all the windows but it's still too dark too inside btw, sorry ... but, how to do a pre-calc of irradiance map, and how to use it back .....

        Thanks, dejaVu ... will try your method too ... but i am affraid more lights will means more rendertime tooo

        oh, btw I am using Max Overide environment


        • #5
          Environment color white
          override environment, 10 multiplier
          1st diffuse 0.8
          2nd diffuse 0.7
          depth 5
          HSV color mapping
          hide windows
          tweak with other settings depending how much detail you want
          dark color multiplier to 1.5

          works great for me.....


          • #6
            I think the problem is that there is no way to get the lights to bounce inside the main floor. I'm taking it that the top doesnt have a roof- hence light is entering there. You cant force light to go where it's physically impossible. Personally, I'd limit the lights on the exterior to one omni above and away from the nearest corner. I'd scarifice render time and toss in another light in the interior on the main floor. Two or three omni/spot lights shouldnt hurt rendering times too much. If it does, make sure you render small in vray with GI at -2 for max rate. Adjust it to 0 when ready for a final.

            Render times are the unfortunate by-product to learning or geting a faster computer...
            LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
            HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
            Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


            • #7
              What does hiding the glass windows good for ??? is it just render time or is it deaper then that ??? when calculating IR with Glass all is fine.

              Just wondering because some say hide some say don't.

              and what if u use Global Photon MAP ???

              to ERL - try using a Global Photon Map before calculating the IR... with the right settings ( and some skylight portals in opennings ) u will get a good calculation of light inside for les amount of time.



              • #8

                another thing to try is increase the receive GI (and up the generate GI a bit too) on the interior surfaces. Otherwise skyportals (vraylights) is the only way I've found good results. But I'm with you on that one, I feel that is just a wasted step and time. I still free the lack of accurate (as in real life) bouncing of ambient light is vray's biggest week point.
                Hint Hint V :^)



                • #9
                  what you really need is exposure !!!!
                  don´t harm any multipliers !!
                  that means use the color mapping features in vray

                  or... use photometric sunlight (should work with vray)
                  and save your picture as HDR or RPF
                  make shure color mapping is set to linear (no exposure in this case) active the unclamped colors.. and use an external program to adjust
                  your color (brightness) curve.. like HDRshop (together with the
                  ToneMapping plugin) or Digital Fusion (Fusion rox)
                  also increase your bounces to .. around 5

                  And.. don´t use adaptive anti aliasing if you plan to brighten up
                  your image in another aplication



                  • #10
                    Light bounce

                    hey Erl,

                    ...maybe just try and increase your Darkness Multiplier (to 2?)...double or
                    something....could be the quick fix....and the window vray light is a
                    good idea...
                    Needs more cowbell


                    • #11
                      When it gets dark inside, I usually flip a lightswitch. The difference is amazing!!

                      (sorry, couldn't resist)
                      Torgeir Holm |

