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modeling suggestions

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  • #16
    @ jujubee:
    thanks for the detailed tips!!!! I think they'll help as a good roadmap.

    thanks for the powerSolids suggestion: I downloaded the demo and I'll see what's capble of - most importantly, if it can help me w/ this particlular project.

    yeah, I was gonna do that base as a different piece too, and see what a mesh colud do w/ mesh smooth....

    the glass wine approch gave me some ideas - I didn't see it like that before.

    thanks again to all of you for the suggestions - I'll keep you up to date.



    • #17
      I would model like this, it needs more details of course. You could also use splines and the surface modifier, or use some splines as guidelines when you modell.

      I started from a tube with 8 sides and extuded and scaled. Everything is one piece (meshsmooth = 3). The Lathe modifier would work very well also for the bottom as geenyus mentioned.



      • #18
        damn!!...I haven't had a chance to get started on that project yet...too many other things on my plate
        ......that looks good.

        so you started w/ a tube: is that a mesh or poly??....did you just push and and pull vertexes w/ soft selection??....
        thanks for the pics.....


        • #19
          owiik you must be a good modeler, very simple and effective approach.


          • #20
            That's awesome owiick! Makes me feel stupid. I didn't realize you could get such results from simple poly modeling using extrude, chamfer, and meshsmooth. I've never had luck obtaining such an organic shape from polys. great job.

            btw, modeling two separate pieces- how would you handle the seams? That's the one thing I could never get right without intense manipulation...
            LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
            HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
            Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


            • #21
              mzmeskal, i forgot to mention that I checked out the demo of powersolids- excellent tool! it makes some things extremely easy to work with- objects that would've been a pain in max are now an easy possibilty! and you're right about the filleted edges using powersolids- it has such an excellent method of filleting control.
              LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
              HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
              Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


              • #22
                I started with a tube and converted it to editable poly,then I extruded and moved some vertices (No softselection). Some bevelling was also used on the edges. I still use max4 so I used meshtools a lot.

                In this case I think it´s easier to keep in it one piece, The seem is pretty much the same even if it two pieces.
                Download the maxfile and have a look, there is an example.


                Btw there is some good max modelling tricks at cgtalk, here is the link to the thread:


