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.. multiple queries ..

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  • .. multiple queries ..

    hi ..

    whats the diff between ir map & photon map .. what is the specifc purpose of both.. are they exclusive or can we use both together or either in isolation..

    sometimes when i do an exterior render.. the interior doesnot appear bright enough, irrespetive of the secondary bounce multiplier value or the depth value.

    is it absolutely necessary for the object in the scene to be closed volumes i.e. should have some kind of thickness.. because i spent my entire career in graphics in optimising the models to absolutely required minimum face counts. with thick object i will be multiplying the facecounts at least 4 times.. pls advise..


  • #2
    Fot the first question, search and this forum. it has been discussed many many many times before.

    If you would take a picture in real life of an exterior, the interior will also be dark, because you adjust your exposure etc to your exterior light and not to your interior. So to make it lihter, add lights to your interior

    Walls etc are best closed volumes to prevent light leaks. It isn't necessary but generally objects with a volume will give you less problems. I don't see why this would multiply face count by four.
    Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


    • #3
      thanks flipside for ur tips..

      Fot the first question, search and this forum. it has been discussed many many many times before.
      I will certainly comb through the earlier posts to more specifically understand the two maps.

      If you would take a picture in real life of an exterior, the interior will also be dark, because you adjust your exposure etc to your exterior light and not to your interior. So to make it lihter, add lights to your interior
      though what u say makes perfect sense.. still .. when I have worked on softwares like lightscape & brazil .. I have noticed that a rays of sunlight falling on the interior spaces through a window opening, gives very nice light bounces to the inner spaces .. and also has controls to specify number of light bounces which shows better lighting levels albiet at increased render times .. some how in vray .. the secondary bounces depth parameter doesnot appear to achieve similar results. i wonder .. where i am going wrong.

      I don't see why this would multiply face count by four.
      for example.. let us assume a wall which i am seeing from the front only .. i would usually only model the front face, which is seen from the camera view .. ( that is a max of 2 faces only ) .. now to make it like a closed volume.. i will have to model it like a box .. so that the wall has a thickness .. that makes a facecount of 12 faces .. which in this case is 6 times more than the earlier case. thus .. i was generalising when i said the face count would increase. .. i hope u got my point.

      thanks ..
      any more feedback is always welcome..


      • #4
        To see the effect of the bounces better, you need to increase the sec bounces multiplier to 0.65 or higher. If you leave it at 0.5, you can change the n° bounces as hihg as you want, it will do almost nothing...

        Indeed on a box it's * 6, but the total count of the scene will not change much by this. If you have more complex walls, you don't need to model the back detailed, so you will only add 10 faces on a front panel that's for example 2000 faces. And vray loves poly's so don't worry
        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps

