if you did a drag-and-drop from the Erco site through the asset browser, then it won't prompt you. if the units for your scene (customize/units setup) are set to inches, then make sure to download the US version of the erco light.
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phtometric lighting and ERCO
IES lights work the same as omni lights, they are (simplistic) an array of spotlights. An omni light is actually something like 8 spotlights, this is why they take so much more time to render. I believe IES does a similar thing with the IES file designating falloff for each light in the array.
I've had issues like that constantly. Whenever I use photmetric lights when I render it's black. I discovered that I have to go into environment settings and set up exposure (drag down the list) in order to get any light working. Is this the normal process?
Your display units can be anything, you can work in imperial or metric it makes no difference, Max changes the units on the fly. What does make a difference is the Max internal units. The Max internal unit should almost always be inches, this unit effects everything in max, units of precision, viewport performance, Zdepth units, RPF file units etc etc.