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DR porblems - again -Error Log

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  • DR porblems - again -Error Log

    Hello I've been reading up through your threads about DR and trying to learn from your pains and aches with it but evidently that wasn't enough

    ok I did the usual:
    strated to do DR with my onw comp at first (usuing the comp as a DR slave and cliet)
    I set up the spawner (tem director is C:\temp)
    and the start up the DR manager which see the machine itself - I right click and enable it as a slave.
    my file (max) and bitmaps are all visible from the network - since I'm using the same comp that should really be a problem.

    I set it to bucket mode and hit render - two things happen:

    1) and error shos up:
    "Error: Reentrant call possible exeptions"
    2) I see in the DR manager that it locates the scene /preps the scne and the it says "Disconnected" all that in the status area next to the slave server....

    any ideas, things I omited/forgot????

    thanks a bunch in advance!!!


  • #2
    directories are probably fine. did you install it as a service or standalone? This has to be running. It seems like it is finding your computer so it must be. I put in my IP Address- and clicked resolve on the IP name in the manager. I just left whatever the projects file path is below (within the manager itself) to the default.

    There's one more thing that I did do. Not sure if it's completely necessary but I did it for safety's sake. I read that someone else got errors on this. Make sure the spawner is off. I located the vray dummy file in the max root directory. opened it within max and resaved it as it was giving me an 'obsolete file' message. I resaved it for Max 5.1 compatability. Then try it again after that.

    let me know if this works.

    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


    • #3
      hey juju - thanks for the quick answer, I read you "Network rendering - Single Frame?" thread so I was able to go further but obviously not far enough...

      btw, I'm using viz 4 SP 2.

      a) I installed it (spawner) stand alone and run it BEFORE I run the manage w/in the render, so it recognizes the vspawner rightaway (on the same computer) i didn't have to resolve it since it recognized it.

      b) I also left the "projects' file path as default in the DR manager, but I tried changing it (I set the proj. file path to the same path as the max file I want to render - sitting on the network) but no luck there either so I reset it to it's default, when restarted the manager.

      c) what do you mean by "Make sure the spawner is off"?? thought it was suppose to be on as a prog. or service in the background/system tray.

      so the problem isn't that the manager doesn't see the spawner running on the same machine, some thing happens when I hit render and it just hangs saying "rendering....distributed" in the rendering window and in the manager it goes through the "loading scene...prep scene....disconnected" routine.

      also I have, if it matters, the temp directory of the spawner to (c:\temp) I tried to put it on the network in the same dir as the max file, yet nothing.

      thanks ,


      • #4
        I meant that you should turn off the spawner before resaving the vraydummy file as to not encounter any conflicts. You should resave that fille if you haven't already. then restart the spawner and try the process over again.
        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

