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Motion Blur Problem ...

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  • Motion Blur Problem ...

    Hi Everybody ... I'm in problems again and need some help ...

    I'm rendering a rolling dice with GI enabled and motion blur on ... unfortunately the motion blur images are completely weird ... way too blurry and too big ... I've put two images of that problem on my photo server - just take a look ...

    Waiting for help ... Thanks ... Gonzaga.

  • #2
    i believe if you use interpolated glossys you get serious problems when using motion blur. Do you have any interpolated glossys?


    • #3
      Hi DaForce ... first of thanks for checking on that problem ... as for the scene ... I don't use interpolated glossies on my materials ... the only glossy reflection I use is on the ground plane - but that one isn't interpolated ... I've put an additional image on my picture server showing you the reflection setting for the ground plane ... I'll try to switch glossiness off and have a look at the result ...

      Picture Server ->

      Thanks for the hint ... I' hoping for further information on that problem ...

      Greetings ... Gonzaga.


      • #4
        Hi Gonzaga!

        Looks like it could be a gimbal lock problem - what rotation controller are you using? Try an Euler XYZ and check your curves for flipping.
        If this is not the solution, it could be a somehow "corrupted" camera. I expierienced very strange MB in some scenes with an animated camera. The simple workaround is to create a new camera, match it to your old one (strg-c, but i still use max4 keys) and link it. Render again with the new one, probably it is fixed then. I don't know what causes this issue, but it's not vray related as it also screws up the scanline g-buffer!

        good luck,
        This signature is only a temporary solution


        • #5
          Thanks Michael ... I'll try your suggestions later and will let you know if it worked ...

          Thanks ... Gonzaga.


          • #6
            Hello Michael ... unfortunaltely the problem's reason was none of your suggestions. The animation is based on EulerXYZ and the camera is a fixed one - even in perspective view the problem is visible. I've once more uploaded an image to my server showing the rotation curves of the cube. The marker is set to the position of the rendered images.


            Maybe a solution can still be found .... Thanks in advance ... Gonzaga.


            • #7
              Hi Gonzaga!
              Sorry, can't see any new image under your url...
              Any chance of mailing the file to me?
              This signature is only a temporary solution


              • #8
                Hi Michael ... there must have been some problems with transferring the image ... it's on my side now ....

                Thanks you .... Gonzaga.


                • #9
                  What is the zoom level of your f-curve image? What does each of the major graph lines represent? Thirty frames or one frame?



                  • #10
                    Hi everybody ... I've finally put a simplified version of the max file on a file server ... feel free to load it down and see for yourself ... it's for Max 5 - VRay is V1.09.03n .... the problem is most obvious at frame 25 ...


                    Maybe this are a little clearer now and the solution is closer to be found ... Thanks to everyone .... Gonzaga.


                    • #11
                      Hi Gonzaga!

                      Sorry for not replying but I was away some days... I tried to dl the file, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore?

                      greets, Michael
                      This signature is only a temporary solution


                      • #12
                        Hi ... the link seems to change from time to time ... here is the most recent one ...


                        Thanks for helping .... Gonzaga.

