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hemispheric hdri's

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  • hemispheric hdri's

    when using an hdri for an environment map, it would be good to have a preset for hemispherical? ive got a few hemispheric sky maps, and the only option seems to be to change from spherical, to max standard, then set that to spherical and play with the tiling.. however im having a hard time getting the horizon in the right place with this method. any suggestions?

  • #2
    on a related note.. anyone know why changing the gamma from 1 to 2.2 on my hdri sky makes it lighter and more desaturated in the viewport, but darker and more saturated in the render? same goes for dropping it to .45 makes it darker in viewport but lighter in render. go figure.


    • #3
      Originally posted by super gnu View Post
      when using an hdri for an environment map, it would be good to have a preset for hemispherical? ive got a few hemispheric sky maps, and the only option seems to be to change from spherical, to max standard, then set that to spherical and play with the tiling.. however im having a hard time getting the horizon in the right place with this method. any suggestions?
      You might also have to change the offset, I think.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Couldn't you just take the HDR into photoshop and expand the canvas to double the original image height. The lower section could be black. That way the horizon (assuming the horizon was on the lower part of the original image) would remain in the correct position.

        If you look at sky hdris they usually only have the sky and no floor and are set up like this.


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