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I have a confession...

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  • I have a confession...

    Greetings everyone, my name is Jeff and im a converted finalRender user.

    After tooting the horn of fR for years, i was bored one day and tried out the demo. And well one thing led to another, and now i will never go back. So i ask of you, not to look at me as a convicted user, but member of this community that has now seen the light.


  • #2


    • #3
      Hehe, ofcourse you are welcome
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        Everyone is welcome!!! especially fr converts . kidding. I just feel that vray is a great tool and this forum is a cool place for people to learn more. so the more the merrier!

        Alejandro Gonzalez
        Zerofractal - Visual Communications
        New Website!


        • #5
          i remember when fR had not come out yet but the hype was HUUUGE for it. so i quickly pre-ordered my copy of stage-0 and waited eagerly. I think i pre-ordered in november then december11th i think it was that vray went public on beta testing and i tried it. it was great. even as an early beta. but pffft. my fR was going to be awsome. vray got better and better in its testing stage but who cares. my fR was going to be better. then the day arrived. fR shipped wheeeeeeeee. then a week went by. then another. then i got mine wheeeeee. I wish that it had an actual oder i could smell. cuz it stunk so much i would never have taken it out of the box if i could smell it. hehehe. Im bashing stage-0 not maliciously, but as a user who really could not see what the hype was. i did seriously try to get it working to prove i spent my money wisely but alas. the box is still sitting here on my shelf and i never use it anymore

          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
          stupid questions the forum can answer.


          • #6
            It is a real shame that this type of "competative" attatude exists. While I love all the things that Vray can do. I would do my best not to bash other products.

            It seems as bad as Mac/PC, Autocad/Microstation, Maya/3ds/xsi/LW/Houdini, etc...

            It just gets a little crazy after a while....


            • #7
              What is brand loyalty?

              Brand loyalty is the key to all business as the manufacturer/provider strives to make headway in to a market dominated by major brands. When you think about any products a few names spring to mind, this is due to the fact that they have developed a huge following over the years, be it the jogger who will only wear a certain brand of trainers, or the fisherman who will only use a certain make of rod.

              btw lordshaitan, don't feel responsible for where this string is going
              Eric Boer


              • #8
                well. ill just retract my bashing earlier. sometimes the slightest thing can set off the evil in us. lordshaitan, what field of 3d are you in? visualisation, animation, effects?

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #9
                  Hey no problem, hehe. I stood up for the fR bashing on the fR forums, hehe. i think i agree with Da_elf on this one. I just assumed that the vray people were full of themselves, until i saw alot of side by side comparisions.

                  And i understand that people stick my their favorite products, its our nature.

                  BTW, im going for animation, still in college so im getting there.


                  • #10
                    Final Render is a great product vray is somewhat greater


                    • #11
                      Final Render is a great product vray is somewhat greater

                      As an ex longtime fR user, I deeply agree in the nicest way with this subtle statement!

                      Allthought you are right, cpnichols - I'm also a little tired af these types of debates, but sometimes the feeling of having seen the light is so overwhelming, that you have to let it out...

                      Eyecadcher Media


                      • #12
                        The rats are leaving the ship not for the first time...

                        Well I just want to add, that in the last years there where many bright stars that have fallen and again I don't know what will be with Vray in the future, waiting for Version 1.1 for more then 1 year...

                        But sure at the end we have to pay for the development, even if it's useless for us (like MAX 6 and MR).


                        I'm registed believe me! Just miss that logo.


                        • #13
                          to be fair...stage 1 has some things that vray is not able to do. and some function of stage 1 are absolute wonderfull. the control over the gi, material, channels, render elements etc. is much better than in vray so far. AND fR can read the radiosity information of viz4/max5-6 and you can use fR material for reflections with it etc. it would be great if vray will be able to do that, too. and now they have very fast photons, too......i have to say, fR is a very good product now !!! i think vlado has to come up with a few very special things in 1.1 to beat that. maybe that´s the reason for the delay...would be nice


                          • #14
                            Instead of discussing product x vs product Y, what about the according forums? I think that a forum is a HUGE part of a product. This one definately has a nice and welcoming atmosphere to it, the way I see it, and people are very helpful. Sometime I've been baffled, seeing Peter and Vlado's quick responses and occasional fixes. I haven't seen this in other forums I've been participating in - forums where I've been left with the feeling that I was shouting into the dark, and that the developers were too busy or whatever to show themselves...

                            So thanks to everyone on this forum, I guess!

                            Eyecadcher Media


                            • #15
                              I understand..

                              I understand that produce a 3d application render is not so simple!!
                              But seem that chaos group respect cebas group want to give more to the 3d users for many reasons :

                              quickly fix any bug or help everyone who need help on its program;

                              chaos gaves a great and stable engine since the 0.50 version;

                              Now the news surprise everyone because they says (peter and vlado (only two great programmer!!!)) that the next vray will give the posibilities to render enourmous number of polygon without problem at every resolution

                              and for other reasons

                              vray seem to be created with the awarenes that is the times in cg to have a rendering engines capable to do an image in high res (with GI) in little times because the power of the pc is upped so much in this last years and every product instead seem to have the same speed
                              Seem that peter and vlado work for their dreams as 3d professionists and want to share their advantage/knowledges with everyone who works in this heaven/hell that is the graphic word

                              Excuse my bad english
                              Workstation: Asus p9x79WS I7 3930K Noctua NH-D14@4200GHz SE2011 16GB RAM Kingston Hyperx Beast SSD 500Gb Samsung x2 SATA3 WD raid edition4 64MB GTX760 2GB DDR5 CoolerMaster 690III


