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Shademap - The one and only

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  • Shademap - The one and only


    shademap is really really nice. I did not know about it until today someone at work told me.

    Why is it hidden in the stereo helper? As we know, it is not just for helping stereo images, but any image with depth of field! A lot of images have depth of field, regardless of stereo project or not.

    This feature is incredible and speeds up render from 1 to 50%!

    Why make it "complicated" in the helper, in my opinion, it should be integrated inside the Vray Settings. It will ask you same thing, where to store the data. But instead of having to run first pass, then 2nd pass, you could give us the option of doing this in one go, the user does not have to render sequence just to get data, you could "render" - get data " render 4 real" in one go,

    also make it more interactiv, if i change things in the scene that make it necessary to rerender the shademap data, it will automatically do so, if settings in scene have changed that dont require to re shademap, it will automatically use the shademap data,

    this workflow would increase the speed while working tremendously, while giving maximum control. then when rendering on farm, these options can still be as flexible as possible. but even here images could be rendered (hidden) to get data, then render starts, its like getting calculating irradiance etc. also option of saving out one pass without DOF and the one with would be nice checkbox to have that done automatically put in extra folder... also right now i have to go in and always click helper, click render shademap, then use shademap, etc. it seems all of this could be automized

    i think this tool is very powerful, and seems to be overlooked at how useful it can be, by integrating it into the vray render settings with a few extra options, it would surely be welcomed by most every vray user on earth. - oh and the DOF is like 5x cleaner than normal, to get this DOF quality it would take a much longer time usually,

    im a big fan of this new method, it lets me render high quality animation at home or at work much faster than ever before,

    thanks for listening

    ps: im rendering scene with heavy geometry, 20% of rendertime is just to load that in, having the shademap data used in one render, and then having to render again, a lot of time is lost loading geometry for every frame twice, if we could integrate this process and just load geometry of scene once it would make V-Ray even faster
    Last edited by phizikl; 30-09-2011, 09:50 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by phizikl View Post
    Why make it "complicated" in the helper, in my opinion, it should be integrated inside the Vray Settings. It will ask you same thing, where to store the data. But instead of having to run first pass, then 2nd pass, you could give us the option of doing this in one go, the user does not have to render sequence just to get data, you could "render" - get data " render 4 real" in one go,
    At the start it was more of an experimental feature; I was not totally sure it would work well in a production setting, so I didn't want to expand the already long list of global V-Ray settings I do agree that the V-Ray settings would have been the better place for it.

    i think this tool is very powerful, and seems to be overlooked at how useful it can be, by integrating it into the vray render settings with a few extra options, it would surely be welcomed by most every vray user on earth.
    Yep, the goal was eventually to fold this feature into the V-Ray core itself and make it part of the V-Ray settings.

    ps: im rendering scene with heavy geometry, 20% of rendertime is just to load that in, having the shademap data used in one render, and then having to render again, a lot of time is lost loading geometry for every frame twice, if we could integrate this process and just load geometry of scene once it would make V-Ray even faster
    Yes, there is that - we could avoid this double processing.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      nice, cant wait for the update

      i made a nice tool to quickly work with shademap ill post soon,

      but jea, i mean for marketing alone, you can really bost 10% - 500% speed increase on your site with DOF

      i have a test render from friend, with normal DOF it took 13min to render

      1st pass shade map 1min30 2nd pass with cleaner better DOF 1min40

      thats 13min render cut down to 3min!


      • #4
        just working on a scene with displacement

        here it would be especially useful to do it in one pass, would it be possible to only have to presample displacement once for this technology to work?


        • #5
          Just curious phizikl, what type of amounts are you pushing your shademap threshold to? Also are you only doing stills or animation too?

