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Puzzle about VRay speed

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  • Puzzle about VRay speed

    Hi, all,
    A trouble just comes to me that I have 3 cams in the scene. Mat'l, faces maintain the same for three individual render files. What puzzled me is two cams were rendered quickly as expected, one cam was rendered so long--say, ten times above slower. All output sizes are same, AA settings and GI settings. What's the matter? Thanks for any explaination.


  • #2
    Is this consistent - does it always happen?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      For a scene there is rarely several cams to render. Most is with a single cam. So I can't say the case is often or not(Perhaps later on I can make statistics). But I'm sure this time it happens. I just wonder if VRay makes calc. based on the space structure of a render view(Guess--if the space structure interlaces complicatedly, the calc. will take longer time). I make this guess because I ever heard that FR seems behaving like that -- just a message on the way, not official.

