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slightly off topic - camera matching with digital photograph

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  • slightly off topic - camera matching with digital photograph

    Hope someone can answer me.

    I have produced many photomontages in the past using traditional 35mm photography.

    I am currently producing a photomontage using a supplied DIGITAL photograph taken on one of the Fuji Finepix cameras. Great. I don't know the focal length, the position the image was taken from or the time of day!!! Lots of trial and error ahead.

    What I want to know is, as a digital photo is created differently to a 35mm image (aspect ratio etc), are there any things I need to change within 3dsmax (like the FOV stuff), or can I use the standard set of stock lenses and variations in between?

  • #2
    The fov of a digital camera with a 35mm lens is far less then with traditional camera. You could probably start with the fov of a 50mm lens.



    • #3
      the difference in fov for digital camera is a factor of about 1.6 compared with traditional camera (ie. 35mm lens for digital camera is equivalent to about 56mm for film camera) That's why digital cameras often list the equivalent lens. I've been using a Kodak digital camera the last couple years with a 35mm(equiv) lens for photomontage and found it matches well with the 35mm lens in max.

      If anyone out there can offer a more accurate factor than 1.6 or has any particular photomontage camera matching tricks, please post!!


      • #4
        35mm lens for digital camera is equivalent to about 56mm for film camera...
        ....56mm focal length for a 35mm film camera. There are other film formats such as medium format (2x2) and large format (4x5, 8x10, and up) and even true panoramic 35mm (35mm x more than 120mm) not that crude APS cropped panoramic. You normal multiple up for larger than 35mm format cameras, for example: a 35mm film camera's 50 mm lens wil be an 80mm lens on a medium format to achieve the same FOV (field of view or angle of view). I think it's odd that 35mm film cameras have become the standard by which all focal length comparisons are based on. For a plethora of information visit the essential photography website Ok, I'm done's late. gnite

