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scripting output path, filename and extention - How?

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  • scripting output path, filename and extention - How?

    The new "State sets" don't record the file name or path - but I can see that I can use scripting to define it.
    does anyone know how to create the script, btw. I hoped the macro-recorder would show me the code, when
    I defined the path and filename the usual way, but it don't...

    I found a list on Scriptspot with Vray code, but Im not sure how to use it.


  • #2
    something like this?

    vr = renderers.current
    outPath = "f://temp/"
    outFile = "output"
    extension = "exr"
    vr.output_splitfilename = outPath + outFile + "." + extension
    Visualization | Animation | Compositing


    • #3
      Hi Henning,

      I'm not at the office right now, so I can't test.
      but if it works, it will solve my batch render problems with vray.



      • #4
        Hi Henning
        I have testet the script and I get an image I/O error - when it trys to save
        tried with exr and jpg


        vr = renderers.current

        outPath = "D:\Priess_plate_plekter\render\final\test\tes t01"
        outFile = "test01"
        extension = "jpg"

        vr.output_splitfilename = outPath + outFile + "." + extension


        • #5
          does the folder actually exist? Is it a spelling mistake in "tes t01"?


          • #6
            No it was not a spelling mistake, I got i working with some of the stats sets but not all of them?
            It's strange since I used the same code...



            • #7
              What Version of 3dsmax are you using? You've got to beware of escape characters and know how to handle them, also I think you're missing a /. Added an extra line of code to make sure the output path is created too.

              Search for "String Literals" in the 3dsmax maxscript help for more info.

              Max 2008 +
              vr = renderers.current

              outPath = @"D:\Priess_plate_plekter\render\final\test\test01 \"
              makedir outPath all:true
              outFile = "test01"
              extension = "jpg"

              vr.output_splitfilename = outPath + outFile + "." + extension
              Max 9
              vr = renderers.current

              outPath = "D:\\Priess_plate_plekter\\render\\final\\test\\te st01\\"
              makedir outPath all:true
              outFile = "test01"
              extension = "jpg"

              vr.output_splitfilename = outPath + outFile + "." + extension
              Maxscript made easy....
              Follow me here:

              If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


              • #8
                The problem lies somewhere else... 3dsMax Bitmap Object.
                When you start up max with an empty scene, assign Vray and run
                rend  = renderers.current
                rend.output_on = true
                rend.output_splitgbuffer = true
                rend.output_splitfilename = "e:\\test.exr"
                it won't work.

                Now open up the render dialog, go to the Split Render Channels - path is in there and everything looks fine, but no file is saved.
                Open the file save dialog, and just confirm what's in there already
                Render again - bitmap saved!

                Reason seems to be, that for whatever reason no max bitmap object has been created for the Vray Framebuffer as long as the file save dialog is not opened and confirmed. Annoying as hell, and pretty dangerous in production if you rely on scripts for the split gbuffers output.
                But - here's a hacky workaround:
                rend  = renderers.current
                rend.output_on = true
                rend.output_splitgbuffer = true
                mybitmap = bitmap 10 10 color:black filename:"e:\\test.jpg"
                save mybitmap
                rend.output_splitbitmap =  mybitmap
                rend.output_splitfilename = "e:\\test.exr"
                What it does is to create a little 10x10 black jpeg to then "convince" vray that there's a bitmap object already. VoilĂ , saving works without any need to open or edit anything.
                Would be glad though if there was another more elegant way to do it, so any help appreciated.

                Make sure to edit the pathes according to your needs, that's just rough code not to be meant to be used in production

                Best regards,
                Last edited by Sushidelic; 07-03-2012, 03:46 AM. Reason: typo...
                This signature is only a temporary solution


                • #9
                  Just found another two old threads mentioning the problem above

         Post #2 and #12
                  This signature is only a temporary solution

