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DR : don't see any difference with single rendering

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  • DR : don't see any difference with single rendering

    i set the DR on 2 computers with a single frame rendering on Max 5. but i don't see any better result than with the single rendering. It seems that only the server works: each division region label displayed while rendering are those of the server, and time are exactly the same of what that server use when rendering alone. i tried to inverse client/server, i get the same result.
    i tried also to add the client in the servers list, same result.
    what's wrong?

  • #2
    sounds like the spawner isnt running on both systems if your not getting all the buckets needed

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    • #3

      ahrem... you're right! i though the spawner didn't have to run on the machine where max is open... and all computer have to be added as server in the vray network settings.
      the trouble is that everyone prepares the scene before rendering, so when one of the computer is slower, it starts rendering while the other has already done half of the job... any way to avoid this?


      • #4
        i must say i don't understand anything to those priority settings... the only things i see, is that i always get a worse result with DR than single rendering whatever the priority combinaison i try! maybe because one of the machine is slower. seems also that the result is different according to the computer where the scene is open.
        someone could help me?
        what's the real benefit with 2 identical computers?


        • #5
          with your current renderers what happens is that both computers are rendering the irradiance map. so on a slower computer that process can take long and the faster one finishes the scene before its done. however if you have a saved irradiance map then it would be faster

          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
          stupid questions the forum can answer.


          • #6
            i'll try this, thx
            it seems it works better with a bigger scene, the DR took about 40 m instead of 1 hour with a single rendering, but there are some troubles... it seems that one of the server didn't see the direct spot and the reflection map on my glass texture :


            • #7
              ok... i've found the error : some photometric files weren't found by the server despite the path to them was known by max server. I've copied them to the Spawner temp directory and it worked!
              about the priority settings, it seems 'normal' for all server/clients gives the best results.

