I very often work with fabrics that have a matte thread and a glossy thread as seen in the attached image. I use a grayscale image to create the material reflectivity and glossiness. I am wondering if it is possible to create a PSD Manager selection layer or a Render Element of the black areas of the map. Thanks. Craig
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PSD Manager Layer or Render Element from Black & White Map
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, that's not quite what I need. I want to seperate out the the black part of the texture so that it is on its own layer in Photoshop. Using the VrayExtraTex I get the map rendered and can select the black portions in Photoshop but the selection is not very good and barely useable.
There's no magic way to separate out part of a texture unfortunately. If your mask in the VrayExtraTex is rough then you can try to find out why it is. If your original map is high quality then there's no reason you can't use it as a mask to extract the layer you want (but that has to be done manually in Photoshop, it's not something PSDM can do for you).
Maybe check to be sure the VrayExtraTex is being anti-aliased and that the map is sufficient resolution for your render, those are the only other things I can think of that would make it look rough, other than the original map not being very clean in the first place.
Maybe others will have some suggestions though.
You're right. I was able to up the resolution of the image and get a better selection. But it seems to me there is real potential here for a new feature that I would use all the time. Look at the attached image. It would be so cool if I could say, make everything in the texture that is RGB a,b,c material ID 1 and everything that is RBG, x,y,z material ID 2 it would save me hours and hours of hand selecting pieces of fabric or floor pattern in Photoshop. Man, that would be the coolest thing on earth. Craig
I did not completely understand your last post (RGB a,b,c ?), but wanted to point you into the direction of the new "Split into Multiple" option of psd-manager 3.1. While it has special behaviour for Multimatte render elements, you can also use it to split your ExtraTex render element into 3 PSD channels/layers. So you would get a selection from the red channel, one from the Green and on from the Blue channel of your ExtraTex render element. Here is a link to the screenshot from the psd-manager website that shows the option used with a MultiMatte render element.
So in the psd-manager render element output options just set your VRayExtraTex render element to:
- Create: Channel and enable Split into Multiple
- or if you prefer a layer for use as a selection, choose Create: Layer and enable Split into Multiple and enable Save Alpha as Transparency
Best Regards,
Daniel SchmidtLast edited by dans; 11-04-2012, 02:55 PM.Daniel Schmidt - Developer of psd-manager
Try this: duplicate the mesh, assign one material with the according opacity map (in your case: most probably the same as the reflectivity mask), and assign the other mesh the other material with the inverse opacity map. This way you'd have 2 material ID's for which you can render out Multimattes....