I thought I'd share some testing I've been doing trying to get Multimatte layers from materials within a VrayBlendMtl and getting them to also show up in reflections. Here's the setup. A box with a VrayBlendMtl comprised of two materials seperated by a black and white map, and a mirror.

Using the AutoMultiMatte07 script from Sergey Pogosyan http://www.sergepogosyan.com/scripts/AutoMultiMatte/ I created a MultiMatte Render Element and together with PSD Manager 3.1 rendered the scene. The following is the result in Photoshop with one of the masks turned on. In order to get the mask to show up in the Mirror I had to select "All Channels" in the Affect Channels drop down box in the Reflection section of the Mirror material.

In order to get good antialiasing I had to select NONE in the Filtering section of the VrayBlendMtl, Blend Amount Map.

All seemed to work well until I added another Coat Material and Blend Map in my VrayBlendMtl.

A closeup shows how the edge of the mask has problems that I was never able to resolve. However, in my limited testing this kind of edge noise happened more often when i used round or oval shapes as the Blend Amount Map and was less of a problem when using rectangular shapes.

If I can solve the noisy matte issue this will be a technique I would use on every project.
Using the AutoMultiMatte07 script from Sergey Pogosyan http://www.sergepogosyan.com/scripts/AutoMultiMatte/ I created a MultiMatte Render Element and together with PSD Manager 3.1 rendered the scene. The following is the result in Photoshop with one of the masks turned on. In order to get the mask to show up in the Mirror I had to select "All Channels" in the Affect Channels drop down box in the Reflection section of the Mirror material.
In order to get good antialiasing I had to select NONE in the Filtering section of the VrayBlendMtl, Blend Amount Map.
All seemed to work well until I added another Coat Material and Blend Map in my VrayBlendMtl.
A closeup shows how the edge of the mask has problems that I was never able to resolve. However, in my limited testing this kind of edge noise happened more often when i used round or oval shapes as the Blend Amount Map and was less of a problem when using rectangular shapes.
If I can solve the noisy matte issue this will be a technique I would use on every project.