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Sky portal

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  • Sky portal

    Hi guys,
    My usual workflow (for both interiors and exteriors) is so create vray sun, automatically the sky, and then move the sky to vray environment from MAX environment, I put it in both GI and reflection slot.
    Tasko Zashev here suggested to use sky portal instead. Now I've put sky portals on my windows just outside of the room, made them a bit bigger than windows and rendered. Now, the scene is rather different, it looks much more yellow, like the sun is the main source, and a bit less light.

    Spot3D says
    Skylight portal - when this option is on, the Color and Multiplier parameters are ignored; instead the light will take its intensity from the environment behind it.

    Now, which environment behind it do my sky portal lights use? Is it the one from the MAX? It's turned off btw. Or maybe one from vray environment?

  • #2
    Vray Environment parameters override Max parameters.
    "GI Environment Override" will override Max Environment map but this map won't be rendered as a background it will illuminate the scene - Max Environment will be used as a background.

    We recommend you change VraySun Sky Model to "CIE Clear" - this model is very useful because you are able to control the illumination of the sky with "indirect horiz illum" parameter.
    If the scene is too yellowish try to increase "indirect horiz illum" to 35000 or more to bring more blueish.
    You can also try change the white balance of the Vray Physical Camera to neutral - this will help as well.
    Also make sure that your are using Vray Materials in your scene - avoid standard Max Materials.

    Let us know if you need any further assistance with this issue.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Crayox13 View Post
      Tasko Zashev here suggested to use sky portal instead.
      I always thought the point of a sky portal was to use it as well as your old method - it just helps more light get to your interiors and the gi gets cleaner quicker/with lower settings. i may be wrong, but instead of the environment spreading light all over your scene and having the gi have to sort of find the window holes, the sky portal focuses it where its needed.


      • #4
        Thanks guys. I guess I misunderstood Tashko then, I disabled the environments...what cubicle said makes sense, that's probably what Tashko meant too.

