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vray sun + sky

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  • vray sun + sky


    Is it possible to get unique look with vray sun + sky? I mean not looking like basic vray render? Or do I have to use domelight and hdr for that purpose. With Brazil 2 I got the unique feel but I got fed up for the fact that everything in this world is prepared for vray. Now I am trying to get somekind of unique feel with vray so it would not feel like basic vray render

  • #2
    You might try a combination of HRDI for ambient IBL along with some Vray Sun, if it is an outdoor shot. With some careful balancing and adjusting (a great application for RT/GPU, by the way), you might get some fairly unique looks, especially if it is a lower-light scene...

    I'm sure you know this, but I've seen some amazingly unique looking renders with fairly standard lighting arrangements. The difference? Very unique shader creation, especially texture maps that are created by hand or from very high-quality naturally occuring sources.

    Just my .02$...



    • #3
      I have to say that domelight and hdr gave just the result I was looking for. Looks like most of my outdoor renders will be done with domelight + hdri setup. I am begining to like vray more and more


      • #4
        Glad you're enjoying it. These forums are invaluable. Let us know if you have any questions. PS. You'll get smoother and faster results if you lower the resolution on your HDRI Dome light image (your HDR) alot and blur it significantly, I use photoshop for doing this. I usually save down a full dome to 1024x512 or so (make sure the dome light is invisible), and gaussian blur a bunch to get smooth renders quick. Then put your high res HDRI in the VRay Reflection override and environment to get those beautiful reflections. You probably already knew this but I figured I'd let you know.
        Colin Senner


        • #5
          Nice tips, Colin!

          Thanks for sharing,



          • #6
            Yeah, I was doing that in brazil 2 and it's well worth it. Though vray seems to be quite fast with full resolution hdri's also. I just did some 7000*4949 archi exterior renders with 3d foliage and grass. Vray managed to render them very nicely and quite fast. For some reason I didn't get the AO pass look right when rendering it with lightmaterial + vraydirt map. Instead I used mental ray AO map and got just the right look. I thought mental ray wouldn't understand vrays physical camera and it's camera corrections but it worked nicely.

