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vray renderelements to 2013 state stes compositor output

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  • vray renderelements to 2013 state stes compositor output

    I would like to link the vray renderelements from the vra framebuffer of ONE state set (i dont want several single renderpasses but only one) to the new 2013 state sets compositor output to create an psd-file but I can´t find out how to access the vrfb render elements output. Does anybody already found a solution?

  • #2
    ha, managed at least to see the vray render elements in the RE State Set Comositor view (RE). Still didn´t make it to save to psd (creates psd with empty layers..)


    • #3
      You will have to use the 3ds Max VFB for this; if you use the V-Ray VFB, it won't work.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Just picked 2013 up today and I have been looking into this state sets feature. Are there plans for it to work with the V-Ray frame buffer?
        Last edited by ; 25-09-2012, 06:39 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by JamesCutler View Post
          Are there plans for it to work with the V-Ray frame buffer?
          Now that it is integrated in 3ds Max by Autodesk, it's somewhat unlikely (as I'm pretty sure they don't want to deal with the V-Ray SDK). There might have been better chances when it was still a separate plugin, or perhaps as part of Zookeeper.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            Thanks for the info. Is there a compiled list somewhere of what works and what doesn't work? I am able to use all the V-Ray render elements? Does the recording not work with certain V-Ray functions?



            • #7
              Originally posted by JamesCutler View Post
              Is there a compiled list somewhere of what works and what doesn't work?
              I'm not aware of one; you might want to ask Autodesk.

              I am able to use all the V-Ray render elements?
              Yes, of course.

              Does the recording not work with certain V-Ray functions?
              Recording doesn't work for everything (V-Ray related or not). Here is a quote from Michael McCarthy:
              State Sets does not track every parameter on lights, cameras, or materials. For lights it tracks On/Off Multiplier and Shadows. Most max cameras don't have much to track ether . I can see with Vray Lights and Cameras there may be some more important things to track. If your support staff could give us a list of what they feel are the most important things to track in Vray Lights and Cameras that would be great. We can then evaluate and implement that.
              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Great, thanks again for the info. I am going to go have a play with it.

