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Object Properties 2.0: VRay Properties....

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  • Object Properties 2.0: VRay Properties....

    Thought I'd link in here to a tool i wrote, it replaces the modal 3dsmax Object Properties window, with one that's non-modal (means it doesn't lock out the rest of max) and allows you to do things like change selection with it open and I've also put in the VRay properties as a tab so it's all in one lovely place of usefulness.

    [Find my latest post on CGTalk for the latest version of the script.]

    It's always annoyed me that the Object Properties window is modal (locks out the rest of the max interface), someone mentioned in one the various 3dsmax rant threads that it annoys the hell out of them, and I thought, hang on that can't be too difficult to re-make.

    So I've written a new one in maxscript! This is non-modal, so you can change your selection with it open and see your changes in real-time.

    I'm planning on adding some extended features and some more useful features. I'm welcoming suggestions of what you'd like to see added in. It's very handy as allows you to animate visibility without having to constantly open and close the dialog.

    I've added in all the tabs you'd expected as well as the VRay Object Properties tab and a very useful Maxscript tab which tells you everything about all the properties to do with that object, modifier, material, interfaces etc.

    It's being used in production and has no known major bugs....
    Last edited by Dave_Wortley; 03-09-2012, 10:03 AM.
    Maxscript made easy....
    Follow me here:

    If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.

  • #2
    Looks very convenient. thanks
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    • #3
      V cool. Look forward to trying.


      • #4
        Thanks very much for this, Dave! Awesome! It instantly became one of my all time favorites, since I spend quite a bit of time in those properties. And the fact the last tab always opens by default on the standard 3ds Max Object Properties plus it being modal annoyed me to no end! And since it even includes the VRay Object Properties makes your version a true winner in my book!!

        Just in case you aren't aware of it yet: as I am currently running 3ds Max 2013 in the test lab I also tried it there (3ds Max 2013 x64) but it threw an error when clicking the "Maxscript" tab. As far as I can tell so far the other tabs work without problems. I guess something changed in the scripting API in Max 2013 since it works fine in 3ds Max 2012 x64? This is with version 2.1.0 of your (macro-)script. See attached screenshot. It's not a big deal of course, just thought I'd let you know.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Thanks John...

          If possible could you work out what material caused this issue? Or is it all materials?
          Maxscript made easy....

          Follow me here:

          If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


          • #6
            Ah caught it, VrayBlendMtl.... easy fix... I'll post a new version later.
            Maxscript made easy....
            Follow me here:

            If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


            • #7
              If you want to edit yours....

              Find this....

              fn gSubMatsMaps mat = 
              				(printMatprops mat as string)
              				for i in 1 to getNumSubMtls mat do gSubMatsMaps (getSubMtl mat i)
              				for i in 1 to getNumSubTexmaps mat do gSubMaps (getSubTexmap mat i) mat
              Change to this

              fn gSubMatsMaps mat = 
              			if mat != undefined do
              				printMatprops mat
              				for i in 1 to getNumSubMtls mat do gSubMatsMaps (getSubMtl mat i)
              				for i in 1 to getNumSubTexmaps mat do gSubMaps (getSubTexmap mat i) mat
              Maxscript made easy....
              Follow me here:

              If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


              • #8
                Aaaaah! Excellent!!

                In my case it was actually a Multi/Sub-Object Material causing the issue but the principle is the same. The modified code works!

                Thanks so much Dave!


                • #9
                  Fantastic! I've been complaining about the modal properties box for ages. This is awesome!


                  • #10
                    I checked and re-checked and still cannot find a link to download the script (not in the author's website or in CG Society)

                    3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nirsul View Post
                      I checked and re-checked and still cannot find a link to download the script (not in the author's website or in CG Society)

                      Hi Nirsul,

                      That's strange? It's really right there in the link to the CG Society post linked to by Dave in his initial post in this thread This CG Society thread contains the latest version: (always check the lastest posts in this thread)

                      It's a link to a zip file. Make sure you are logged in over at CG Society, otherwise you won't be able to see links (I think). See screenshot below.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by JohnVK; 27-09-2012, 07:36 AM.


                      • #12
                        You do need to be logged in to CGTalk to download the script... I always post the latest version on my latest post.
                        Maxscript made easy....
                        Follow me here:

                        If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


                        • #13
                          Just saw this reply - Now I see it.

                          3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM

