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3d Trees and Plants

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  • 3d Trees and Plants

    Was wondering what 3d tree and plant software was the best, which on looks the best. I was thinking about getting xfrog or dosch designs 3d plants and trees. But want to make sure i get the best one. Or is thier any others that are even better? Thanks Gadzooks

  • #2
    well buddy i have used trees in rpc format and it renders fast and its good
    but i cant say the same thing in automobiles and people
    so go to


    • #3
      stay away from RPC


      • #4
        stay away from DOSCH

        just a personal taste, have got some of there material and found it of very poor quality


        • #5
          yeah DOSCH trees are not so good either.


          • #6
            why stay awat from RPC. it renders fast and the result is fine. tell me why dont you like them. what should we do get real high polygon 3d tree object? and wait for ever to render them.
            give me another name then for 3d objects


            • #7
              ok, the best near alternative is: SPEEDTREE...alltho we dont use standard trees, we created our own library which is really fast... we photographed real leafs and flowers here in cyprus.

              Xfrog or ONYX (palms and shrubs) - a bit slower but way better.

              i use RPC (rarely) if i wanna fill the far space with loads of trees.
              RPC is a photo on a plane, what can i say... fast but looks cheap.


              • #8

                Hi ezrhythm and other,

                How do you go about mapping your trees generated with Onyx.

                My knowledge of how to achieve a economic workflow with regards to mapping is lacking and the my reason for me staying away from using trees generated with Onyx. The main problem for me is the trunk and branches.



                • #9
                  i dont understand why u have problems mapping ONYX trees... there are mapping settings in ONYX, are you sure u got everything right? Cause i didnt map anything at all... the only thing is that you have to set your material "Double sided"


                  • #10

                    Hi ezrhythm,

                    I will work up an sample of what I mean, because I think it will be all confusing trying to explain it in words. So give me a day or two.



                    • #11
                      Im trying some Xfrog trees and so far they are working great. How much faster do they render if i change all to vray materials etc? at the moment, the default xfr plants are slightly slow, but no more than i'd expect

                      seems like a lot of work as these ones i have have maybee 5-10 layers of materials for the individual leaves etc. will take me ages to convert them all properly


                      • #12
                        converting the materials of plants will make allot of mistakes and will not render correctly especially the leaves. The opacity settings don't work well with Vray. There is a thread on how to make a Material with familiar effect as Opacity but for Vray. I converted the Speed tree and Onyx materials according that technique and the render became faster and better in quality. The standard Opacity maps of Max working with Vray vreate a small transclusency around the edges of the mask and makes the leaves Extra Green nomatter how you change the texture. Go to this thread. It helped me allot.


                        • #13
                          The general problem with Trees are opacity maps that are to slow in Vray.

                          We rendern Trees with SpeedTree in a seperate pass with the Max Scanline render. Of course not possible in all projects.

                          Problems observed with SpeedTreein 1.09 and 1.45:

                          1.) If you great more of 40 (non instanced trees) Vray get's it's famous memory problem and crash!
                          2.) Opacity is rendered very slow (also Vray mat don't work faster). For Example a small wood of 200 trees renders in Max in about 2 min. In Vray it take about 1.5 hours! Anyhow MentalRay test showed that MR was even slower.
                          3.) Trees don't look good on closeups.

                          Else, I can only say that speedtree works good on small project or still images.

                          We are going to give bionetrix a try... if the demo only would work...




                          • #14
                            model plants from onyx tree are very good, but may I apply leaf texture to the leaves?


                            • #15
                              you can find aroud some free software also, if u got some time to play with them. For example tree maker.
                              easy to use, u can make custom shaped leafs, even completly new types in 3dsmax. That can be imported and used.
                              I am totally satisfied with it.

