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Render Node Plugins

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  • Render Node Plugins

    Hello all.

    We are exanding our rendering network from 3 machines to I guess 10-12. In the case of rendering nodes is it at all possible to locate all plugins in a single network location to avoid loading them up on each machine individually? I tried to edit the plugin.ini with a UNC path to a single plugin folder. Didn't work. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


    Best regards,

    Corey Rubadue

    Chaos Group

  • #2
    It should work, maybe check your syntax, I don't recomend it though.
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      Yes, I do this on a regular basis. Modify your plugin.ini like this:
      Common plugins=\computer1Plugins viz startupplugins
      You can use the pathfolder names that work for you. The main thing is to use unc and put the plugins into the specified filder on a shared drive. Do this to the plugin.ini for all your nodes. You can move the plugins in and out of the specified folder folder as needed. This is a great way to make sure all nodes use the same plugin/versions.


      • #4
        RErender: Why do you not recommend it? It seems like it would simplify life.

        I guess I'll try it again on all machines. I tried it only quickly on one machine. How do the machines authorize the plugins or do they when rendering with backburner?

        arobbert: To verify.

        UNC path to go in the ini file is as follows correct?


        • <computer-name>—the computer name

        • <share-name>—the name the drive or directory is shared as on <server-name>

        • <directory-name>—the name of additional directories below the shared directory

        Funny I tried to edit the message because the \ are not showing up...I guess I am on the same page as you guys...
        Best regards,

        Corey Rubadue

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          There can be issues, but I am used to dealing with a large farm. I suppose with 10-12 machines the bandwith and access won't be an issue.
          Can't hurt to try it
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            i dont recommend loading plugins over the network either. i just clone & sync the max folder of my workstation to every render server. no more manual steps needed.
            Marc Lorenz
            ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


            • #7
              It's running well on my part.
              70 users sharing the same plugs on a file server. We had some load problems (it was a file server for many things too), but an upgrade did it.
              The amount of handles is enormous, though...

              Your issues were perhaps due to the fact your were loading from a workstation and not a NT server. They can handle only 5 at a time.


              • #8
                yeah, but it's 10 connections at the same time...if you have more than 10 computers in your network you need to use a windows or linux server to access & store files.
                Marc Lorenz
                ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


                • #9

                  How exactly are you cloning? Are you using software such as ?
                  Best regards,

                  Corey Rubadue

                  Chaos Group


                  • #10
                    You are correct regarding the syntax Corey. My farm is less than 10 nodes so I may run into trouble in the future. The cloning process sounds reasonable. I wonder if you can run into the same bandwidth issues with distributed rendering?


                    • #11
                      i use a small utility called "syncromagic". it syncs a local folder to different locations, with batch support. nothing special, i bet there are many apps like that.

                      one important thing: the absolute path must be the same everywhere, like C:/3dsmax6
                      otherwise there will be problems with paths defined in 3dsmax.ini
                      Marc Lorenz
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