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Extra Prepass

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  • Extra Prepass

    I know that materials that have use interpolation ticked will do an extra pre pass. For animations I like this to be off so I know exactly whats going on.

    I've noticed that sss2 fast materials also do a prepass is there a way for this to be stopped? Is the prepass doing anything else other than just sorting out the sss2 materials? Ie wont cause any issues with any other materials?

    Can it also be turned off? Just so it uses the irradiance map settings?

    On a side note a global switch to turn off all interpolation would be great!

  • #2
    Yep, it does it's own prepass to calculate it's own lighting - nothing to be worried about. It uses it's own internal prepass relevant to itself, since the irmap will calculate samples from the view of the camera itself and nowhere else, it might miss some areas of the scene that the SSS2 materials will need.

    For the interpolation bits - give this script a run, it'll let you change the parameters of all materials or a selection of materials really quickly!

