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Distance and HDRI

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  • Distance and HDRI


    I have a question that might be stupid but here goes.

    Lets say I have two HDRI's, one of a warehouse and one of a small bathroom. I then place a box in the middle of the scene, applies a material that is reflective and some what blurry. If I were to place this box in a bathroom i the realworld it would stand close to the walls and furniture and that would create some reflections in the box, but if i place it in the big warehouse the reflections wouldn't show because of the distance to the walls. If I do the same thing in max by using a HDRI in the reflection for the environment I can't control how big or small the environment is. This (in my head) means that either the reflections from the bathroom (the small environment) is to much or to little because vray doesn't know the size of the "room".

    I get the feeling that HDRI's works great with round objects that are reflective because they are curved and catches allot of the environment. But a flat reflective object doesn't reflect the environment in a natural way because of this. I would like to be able to set the size of the environment.

    I might be totally wrong and would appreciate some feedback or solutions.


  • #2
    You're quite right. The good thing about hdri's is that they're shot as a 360 panorama so if you model a rough version of the environment they were shot in you can use spherical mapping to line them up and use this model for your reflections instead. They did this in the film real steel done by digital domain with vray.


    • #3
      Great. Thanks for the reply!

