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Hanging Buckets

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  • Hanging Buckets

    I have a scene that has two frames that are hanging on certain areas of the render. This happens both in BackBurner rendering, in Max, and DR in Max as well.

    The object is a Frost mesh (from RealFlow particles). It is reflective, glossy and refractive.

    Things I have tried:

    DMC vs. Fixed.
    Adjusted min and max subdivs
    Adjusted min samples.
    Turned off glossy (reduced the number of hung buckets, but did not eliminate, would make sense that few bucket "see" the problem point)
    Turned off reflection/refraction (solved it, but won't work for my scene)
    Raised and lowered the limit on reflection/refraction (was using with 6 on this scene).
    Reduced number of transparencies to 1 (no effect)
    Tried dynamic vs Static BSP tree settings
    Disabled AA filter
    turned on sub-pixel mapping in color mapping

    Any thoughts on what to try? I guess I will try to make a simplified scene to send to support.

    Note, we are still on 2.40.03 until we are done with this project. Was this perhaps fixed in the latest patch? Will have to try installing on my workstation...

  • #2
    Adjusting the Frost settings to make the mesh slightly different seems to have fixed it.

    However, I would say that VRay should never hang on any geometry... I guess I will export one of the offending frames and send to support.


    • #3
      It would be very helpful if you can get is a scene so that we can check what's going on.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Will do, when we are done with this project...

