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EXTREMELY ANNOYED re: Floating License

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  • EXTREMELY ANNOYED re: Floating License

    Not having a floating license in V-ray makes this software completely USELESS for our company. I have sent emails, and I want a FIRM answer on when we will get a floating license. I'm going to demand our money back on this software if we cannot get licensing that works for our company. It's been sitting on the (virtual) shelf for months now, and I have heard no word from Chaos, except to wait for some vaporware release sometime in the future.."when it's done".

    Can you tell I'm pissed off?

  • #2
    As far as I know it's days away.
    Torgeir Holm |


    • #3
      Hi Versatek,

      Can you give me details regarding your purchase and the company that has bought it. We have the floating license up our sleeve, but we are still holding it for while. We have ways of solving this problem so if you contact us with your particular needs, I am sure we will have the solution for you.
      ...keep walking...


      • #4
        I'm curious, what exactly does "up our sleeve" mean in business terms? And "still holding it for a while", does this mean next week or next year or never?

        A clear, straight answer would certainly be appreciated by all your customers. I hope the responce you gave to Versatek is not what you consider a "firm", or clear answer.



        • #5
          No, that is not a firm answer in terms of dates, but that is the answer that says 'we have a solution for you, just ask for it'.

          The floatnig license system is part of the new licensing system that is being introduced in V-Ray. As such, it will be introduced in the first pre-final versions, which should be out in the next couple of weeks. Or to be firm: the floating license system will be available by mid-March.

          Regarding te delay of the new licensing system - as you may know, some of our trusted customers have kindly provided internal builds to the software pirates community and I am not going to go into any more details here. The consequence is - the new licensing system is delayed.
          ...keep walking...


          • #6
            Excellent reply to a direct question. Thank you Peter! You have restored my faith in Chaos and the people who run it.



            • #7
              Is this piracy the reason why I can not get answers to my questions about vray internal, bad bucket, no G-buffer support, the difference between static and ynamic geometry. It's not fair to punish the registered legimate users of vray for what one bad person did.


              • #8

                Sorry, I didn't see Vlado's post back to be about the bad buckets. Vlado you're great, if you could fix the g-buffer problem I will bow down to the vray gods! If anyone does know the difinative answer to satatic versus dynamic geometry I'd really appreciate it, all I know is the tests I have done so far.


                • #9
                  i hope we will see a new version soon and i hope DR will work with this new version.

                  Regarding te delay of the new licensing system - as you may know, some of our trusted customers have kindly provided internal builds to the software pirates community and I am not going to go into any more details here. The consequence is - the new licensing system is delayed.
                  sorry but that makes no sense.
                  whatever you will do/change, there will be a pirated version anyway.

                  vray is not the first and will not be the last pirated programm.
                  the only thing you do by delaying the floating license is upset your customers who are waiting for this since 10 month (at least).

                  excuse me but this is the truth.
                  you can spend 10 more month on the protection only to see it cracked after 1 week.

                  the pirates donĀ“t care but the legal customers who wait for a floating lic will.

                  reminds me a bit on the HL2 excuse to be true.

                  sorry our sourcecode was stolen from our sever. so we have to delay the release.

                  now we see that the programm was not even near final.


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      The floatnig license system is part of the new licensing system that is being introduced in V-Ray. As such, it will be introduced in the first pre-final versions, which should be out in the next couple of weeks. Or to be firm: the floating license system will be available by mid-March.

                      Two more days till the middle of March...


                      • #12
                        I agree w/ long John.
                        there will always be a pirated version of the most popular software......and sadly, you guys probably know that better then most of us.
                        look at max6 (and earlier versions) ...all that protection and that Cdilla CRAP ........just to upset the legal costumers.......and the cracked version is out even before the commercial version hits the in both cases the people that end up paying are as always the legit costumers....


