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Help me with Photons

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  • Help me with Photons

    I need some help guys!!! I just upgraded from viz 4 to max 6 with vray advanced. Now when i try and use photons useing max 6 im getting wierd results. Im useing the same approach valdo describes in his tutorial, which has worked very well in the past, but know i cant get a good rendering to save my life. The photon map caculates as normal but as soon as i save the photon map and switch the first bounce to IR map the renderings go crazy. Here are some images to show what is happening.
    Is thier a setting that needs to be turned on or off in max 6?????
    Help!!!! I cant Post Images so i will have to e-mail them to you to look at.

  • #2

    Your link is broken but i am interested in seeing wether your problem is similar to mine and maybe work out a solution. . We are getting all kinda problems with max6 and (hopefully not) vray ever come across the one where you save an object selected, maybe a camera with no modifier and you get a file size of say 98mb?? this stuff is driving me loco


    • #3
      Can't see the images but maybe it is a scale issue, are your base units the same between Viz and 6?
      Eric Boer


      • #4

        galactus And Rerender i have som images i can e-mail you so that you can see what im talking about. Just let me have you e-mail Address. I need to figure this out i have a deadline, and i cant get these @#$%^ photons to work!


        • #5
          My emali is below my posts I'll be happy to take a look.
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            i have run into the same issue and i know for a fact that it has to do with the scale.....


            • #7
              I'm really glad I didnt upgrade to MAX 6


              • #8
                If im not useing photometric lights in a scene. scale should have no issue when useing photons should it. As long as you can get a a good search distance and max density in the file. Or am i wrong.


                • #9
                  did you import the model from viz 4 or did you start from scratch inside of max 6????


                  • #10
                    email me your images.....


                    • #11
                      Scale does really seem to affect things like camera animation paths etc perhaps photon maps too?? Try lowering your multiplier in your global photon map menu to .001 or keep lowering until you get a good representation. In my render the entire image would be white until i lower this setting. If the photon map is calculated at the same scale as the irridiance map it should not really be an issue unless scale information is stored with the objects.


                      • #12
                        I 've tried out max6 and vray photon map, with vray lights, photometric lights all kind of lights.. There should be no problem...
                        Even with hdri>vraylight>photons just work very well.
                        Find something else, like material, scale and so.


                        • #13
                          Vray does work with photon maps and the like in max6, however it seems that there is a combination of things or one thing which vray does not like. That being the case if isolated, vlado can rectify this fault. We know Vray works we want it to work better . I have used photon maps in max6 and yes they do work even with ies data but to say it is for example a scale problem is still a problem with vray interpreting the scene structure. I do we hope collectively we can get to the bottom of this and other problems.


                          • #14
                            would someone be willing to take a look at the file in question. Its a simple box with a vray light in the opening and a direct light as the sun. I will not change any setting so you can see if you get the same results im getting. or maybe shed some light on what im doing wrong. If you can it would be appreciated. If you can e-mail me you e-mail. Here is mine

