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Problems with pal Please HELP!!!!

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  • Problems with pal Please HELP!!!!

    High to anyone reading i really need your help.I want to give a gob in dvd
    but i have many problems.I have rendered my animation at 720x576 without fields and while the animation looks ok in still frame when viewed in motion it looks messed up.On the pc monitor it is perfect(almost) but on tv my edges appear jaggy how can i solve this.Any suggestions motion blur settings,fields,antialias;I am from greece and the tv format here is pal.Thank you for your time

  • #2
    Fields is the big thing... motion blur on top of field should solve it even more. It would be as you say in greece... poli kala. You will need to do a test, one with upper fields and one with lower fields. If upper fields looks worse, do the lower, and vis-versa. Keep in mind that the concept of fields is slowely going away with DVD's since most DVD's are progressive scan. and when they need to add fields, the DVD does 3:2 pulldown on the fly. But 3:2 that only applies to ntsc from 24 fps to 29.97fps... and you are pal, and I have no idea what pal does to add fields. But that is all I really remember, since now I work in film... in film the big issue is color space, and what a pain that is.


    • #3
      Hi dimitris,

      maybe I can help you but I need more detailed info.

      .Are you watching the clip on TV directly from PC?
      .Or you burnt a DVD, watching it with a dvd player?

      Normally, progressive stuff (the best) is not a problem for dvd authoring so you don't have to do interlaced renders.
      Maybe something is going wrong with the encoding process or with the player.

      Anyway take a look here:

      Let me know


      • #4
        Hi Dimitri,

        You have to render your animation again using fields.
        The reason of the jaggy motion is that television work using two passes, the EVEN field pass and the ODD field pass, while the monitors wont.

        You can also convert the animation from frames to fields, but it will degrade quality.
        For more information about PAL fields or encoding dvd's in PAL format try the following link:

        best regards,



        • #5
          Hi Nimrod7,

          I'm sorry but I think you are wrong. I'm going to explain:

          1. It is not important for the TV how the signal is. TV has field and it doesn't care if the input is progessive or field based.

          2. Infact broadcast sometime is interlaced sometime's not. Same way for the DVDs; some are authored progressive and some are not.

          3. It is better to edit progressive stuff Always. Field based stuff is always hard to work with.

          4. 3Dmax thinks in progressive. It's the encoder that splits the image in fields. For this reason it's better to render progressive and than, if you really need it, convert the work in fields with a better dedicated software like AVIsynth (the best beast freeware for avi editing)

          probably you have a problem with field order. Have a look here:



          • #6
            No need for fields. Make sure you are editing your movie uncompressed alot of software for writting DVDs compresses the movie even before encoding it to DVD thus down grading it before you start. Secondly look for a filter in your movie making prog that puts a very slight film grain on. The main problem with computer animation is it is too sharp were as film has a slight grain to it which reduces the jaggies

