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Lens Effects Bloom in V3.0 - which dialog box is correct?!

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  • Lens Effects Bloom in V3.0 - which dialog box is correct?!

    (in the latest Vray v3 for Max 2014)

    If I want Bloom I go into my Environment and Effects panel, choose Vray Lens Effects, turn on Bloom and set accordingly.
    Ace, I get a bloom.

    After my render I click the new end button in the VFB (open Len Effects Settings) and modify/tweak my Bloom. BUT those settings are now different to the settings in the Environment & Effects panel. When I send to my network renderer (Royal Render in my case) which of my settings are correct?

    From a quick test on a local render it appears I have to have it ON in Environment to recognize it in the VFB settings but a colleague found on a network render it didn't matter if it was on in the Environment panel.

    - which combination of check boxes turns it on?
    - which of the settings is correct when both check boxes are on
    - does it need to be on in the Environment dialog box to work?
    - all the above on a network render?

    Insanely confused. Having the settings in the VFB is great but lets make it consistent eh Vlado?!


  • #2

    Is the same Vray version installed throughout all the machines participating in the network rendering ?
    We've done a couple of tests here but we are not able to reproduce the issue, so if you could send us the scene which you have issue with for investigation that would be great.
    Did you try to render with Lens effects activated only from VFB or only from Effects ? Our recommendations is to activate it only from one place in order to avoid any confusions.
    Does this issue persist only for that particular scene or it occurs in every scene?
    If you've followed any specific steps in order to reproduce the issue please let us know about them.

    We are looking forward to hearing from you.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

