Does anyone know of a good way to take a max file and create interior elevations from the model? I have to get the dwgs to scale and it needs to be hidden line. TIA
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Max/Viz to 2D?
sound´s interessting m735 - i often try to do this, but my autoCAD 2000 always told me, that this are no solids, if i use meshes wich are build in max and exported as a dwg.file! the only and way i find for myself is to open the dwg.file in formZ and render it there to 2d draft. i would love to leaf the prozedur with formZ, so if someone of you guys know a way how to do this in autocad i am very interessted too! by the way, what mean´s autocadATD?
In VIZ I have a modifier called solidify...I don't remember were i downloaded it from...could you add depth to your meshes before you export out to AutoCAD?
I haven';t tried this so I don't know if it would work...I tend to do 98% of my modeling in AutoCAD.