The relationship between Reflection Amount, Glossiness, and Diffuse has been one of those things I’ve always wanted to have a deeper understanding of in order to control these values in a more real-world physics based way during material creation.
From a real-world dielectric material standpoint, 100% Reflectivity (specular) would be at one end of the reflection spectrum, while 100% Diffuse would be at the other end. Glossiness (roughness) serves as a transition between these two - in essence simulating the roughness of the material surface.
So basically:
The smoother the micro-surface of the material is, the more reflective (specular) it appears.
The rougher the micro-surface of the material is, the more diffuse it appears.
However, this isn’t how the glossiness parameter in V-Ray (or other renderers I’ve used for that matter) behaves:
A Reflection value of 0.0 gives a 100% Diffuse surface.
A Reflection value of 1.0 with a Glossiness value of 1.0 gives a 100% Reflective surface.
A Reflection value of 1.0 with a Glossiness value of 0.0 gives a very reflective rough surface - with no diffuse color.
I understand this is happening because “zero glossiness is not equal to pure diffuse reflection for the Phong, Blinn and Ward models (simply because of the way their authors defined them)”. Reflection in these BRDFs is treated as a layer on top of the Diffuse component - so a reflection value of 1.0 will completely override the Diffuse component regardless of what value Glossiness is set to.
So my first question is:
Is there a specific reasoning behind why these BRDFs don’t treat the Glossiness value in the more ‘real-world’ sense outlined above? Are there BRDFs that do? Can this be implemented in V-Ray?
My second (and possibly more immediately useful) question is:
In the mean time, can we come up with a formula or ratio we can generally follow to emulate the real-world behavior of Glossiness? For instance, if I want to make a material that appears 50% Diffuse and 50% Reflective (specular) - is there some way to use those known values to find a corresponding Glossiness value that most closely reproduces what we’d see in real life? You could also go the other way and set your Glossiness to what you want visually, and then use this formula to figure out roughly what Reflection amount the material should have.
Hope that makes sense! Looking forward to illuminating the subject a bit.
From a real-world dielectric material standpoint, 100% Reflectivity (specular) would be at one end of the reflection spectrum, while 100% Diffuse would be at the other end. Glossiness (roughness) serves as a transition between these two - in essence simulating the roughness of the material surface.
So basically:
The smoother the micro-surface of the material is, the more reflective (specular) it appears.
The rougher the micro-surface of the material is, the more diffuse it appears.
However, this isn’t how the glossiness parameter in V-Ray (or other renderers I’ve used for that matter) behaves:
A Reflection value of 0.0 gives a 100% Diffuse surface.
A Reflection value of 1.0 with a Glossiness value of 1.0 gives a 100% Reflective surface.
A Reflection value of 1.0 with a Glossiness value of 0.0 gives a very reflective rough surface - with no diffuse color.
I understand this is happening because “zero glossiness is not equal to pure diffuse reflection for the Phong, Blinn and Ward models (simply because of the way their authors defined them)”. Reflection in these BRDFs is treated as a layer on top of the Diffuse component - so a reflection value of 1.0 will completely override the Diffuse component regardless of what value Glossiness is set to.
So my first question is:
Is there a specific reasoning behind why these BRDFs don’t treat the Glossiness value in the more ‘real-world’ sense outlined above? Are there BRDFs that do? Can this be implemented in V-Ray?
My second (and possibly more immediately useful) question is:
In the mean time, can we come up with a formula or ratio we can generally follow to emulate the real-world behavior of Glossiness? For instance, if I want to make a material that appears 50% Diffuse and 50% Reflective (specular) - is there some way to use those known values to find a corresponding Glossiness value that most closely reproduces what we’d see in real life? You could also go the other way and set your Glossiness to what you want visually, and then use this formula to figure out roughly what Reflection amount the material should have.
Hope that makes sense! Looking forward to illuminating the subject a bit.