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Force Advanced/Expert Mode on Startup?

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  • Force Advanced/Expert Mode on Startup?

    Is there a way to force all Vray rollouts to either Advanced or Expert mode on Max start-up? Also, what about defining a preset of what rollouts you want set to which mode (basic/advanced/expert) and have it default to those? This would be very useful in a production environment with lots of artists.


  • #2
    Ok, just tried some different search words and found a load of existing threads on the matter.


    • #3
      Good for you, bad for all who still guess where to find it.


      • #4
        As with many things for startup, if you make a new scene and change all to expert mode, saving this as your maxstart file should do the trick


        • #5
          Out of curiosity, which parameters do you want to touch in Advanced or Expert mode? Chances of messing things up are really high

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            I like to switch to expert and turn everything up to 100, if not more...just because I can!


            • #7
              vlado Very often I am changing render engines in Max while working on a scene, I'd love to know if there could maybe be a V-Ray default user settings addition to hold or remember expert mode as the default roll-outs?

              I'm used to working with V-Ray back when "Expert" mode was the one and only option so this would be very much appreciated.

              And yes,I know it takes three seconds to right-click, switch to expert and have the render settings window pop back up, but the older I get, three seconds multiple times a day over the course of a year is more painful than a youthful person that maybe thinks they have all the time in the world might realize.

              To add to this, is it possible to have V-ray lights remember default values, like "Multiplier", "Invisible" or "Directional" settings... like having the Dome Light have "Adaptive Dome" checkbox always on?

              I find myself, for example, almost always checking "Invisible" on my lights, and I often do not use exposure control and set light multipliers manually and would love if the lights could remember defaults I set.

              Maybe an .ini file that could be saved and is auto loaded when V-Ray is re-selected as the renderer in Max?

