I have been creating kitchen props for a scene I am working on and either ran into an issue or am not using this parameter correctly. The information in the v-ray help documentation is very limited on this subject, and I would appreciate any help or solutions with this issue.
From what I can tell anisotropy appears to have some issues with the topology of certain geometry. In particular very thin non primitive geometry, such as the blade of a knife. I did some further tests with primitives and found that simple shapes with out chamfered edges also behaves strangely. to make things even more confusing i found that the geometry for a chamfer box primitive renders differently than a box primitive converted to an editable poly and chamfered using the edit poly tools.
Here are some images of the issues i am running into. Thank you for the help!

I have been creating kitchen props for a scene I am working on and either ran into an issue or am not using this parameter correctly. The information in the v-ray help documentation is very limited on this subject, and I would appreciate any help or solutions with this issue.
From what I can tell anisotropy appears to have some issues with the topology of certain geometry. In particular very thin non primitive geometry, such as the blade of a knife. I did some further tests with primitives and found that simple shapes with out chamfered edges also behaves strangely. to make things even more confusing i found that the geometry for a chamfer box primitive renders differently than a box primitive converted to an editable poly and chamfered using the edit poly tools.
Here are some images of the issues i am running into. Thank you for the help!