hi evryone.
i'm trying to displace a tiled roof. i've read the previous posts and learnt a lot, yet i came across one problem that i couldn't solve.
i chose the poygons of the roof i want to displace (the top ones) and applyed the material with the displacement map.
then, using "poly select" i applyed the correctly oriented UVW gizmo and displace mod for evry poly. i used 3d-displacement modifier, checked "use object material". precision is set on 8, face subdiv on 300, keep continuity checked and edge threshold is set on 0.001.
this is the roof object:

this is the somewhat problematic result:

and this is the tileable displacement map i did, in case anyone is interested...

any ideas what's going wrong?
i'm trying to displace a tiled roof. i've read the previous posts and learnt a lot, yet i came across one problem that i couldn't solve.
i chose the poygons of the roof i want to displace (the top ones) and applyed the material with the displacement map.
then, using "poly select" i applyed the correctly oriented UVW gizmo and displace mod for evry poly. i used 3d-displacement modifier, checked "use object material". precision is set on 8, face subdiv on 300, keep continuity checked and edge threshold is set on 0.001.
this is the roof object:

this is the somewhat problematic result:

and this is the tileable displacement map i did, in case anyone is interested...

any ideas what's going wrong?