It's a fine line to bill clients. Typically, I charge per image, which makes it easy, until the image I supply initiates design changes. I mean, I like that because my work helps them make better design, but it adds work. The job that I am working on now has changed 3-4 times; I haven't complained, but I also don't want to assume that they appreciate it. Or, even worse, not bill them extra when they were actually anticipating it. However, I don't want them to look back at a number that was huge and deter them from working with me again.
How do you guys handle this? I know "the contract"... Are you pretty relaxed with changes, or are you billing everything above and beyond the initial scope?
How do you guys handle this? I know "the contract"... Are you pretty relaxed with changes, or are you billing everything above and beyond the initial scope?