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Vector Map

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  • Vector Map

    I'm finding that using the Max Vector Map for a large area causes the light cache build to take quite a while. Is this unavoidable? I'm using it for the lines on pavement.

    - Geoff

  • #2
    The vector map uses some kind of cache to store rasterized tiles of the texture; when that cache overflows (and this is easy to get with the light cache throwing samples all over the place) the rendering can become very slow. However I don't know much about how the vector map works so I don't know if this can be adjusted somehow.

    A work-around could be to use a VRayOverrideMtl material and use a plain color material for the GI, and see if that makes it any better.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      This post is a little old now, but I'm reviving it as I am experiencing similar issues with render performance (Vray 3.3).

      I'm using Max's Vector Map to mask large areas via a Composite map. In all other configurations of the material not involving the Vector map, I found rendering to be much quicker. I've played around with various settings in the Vector Map texture, but to no particular advantage unfortunately. The work around Vlado has suggested above doesn't make a difference in my particular scenario, likely because it's not related to GI since it's only being used for masking purposes.

      If there are any updates on this since 2014, or anyone else has some tips I could try, I'd be very keen to hear about it since render times around 500% longer than without vector maps. Ideally I want to avoid converting to bitmaps, but if that's what must be done, then so be it.

      Toucan Creative Pty Ltd
      Perth, Western Australia


      • #4
        When the vector map was released I thought that times with vector masks where finally over. Unfortunately I found out that using vector masks was slowing down so much it would literally not be possible to use it in production.
        Since then I asked Vlado to create a VrayMap that could work based on projected splines but I never had any response.
        In the mean time / as a work around, you could use the VrayDistanceTex. This is what I use ATM but hopefully Vlado will hear our needs about vectored maps

        3LP Team

