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Covert existing VRayHDRI source images to tiled EXRs

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  • Covert existing VRayHDRI source images to tiled EXRs

    Anyone have a script that will convert existing images in VRayHDRI nodes to tiled EXR images?

    The built in script only works when converting Bitmap nodes to VRayHDRI nodes. Once you have already done that it will not convert the existing VRayHDRI nodes' source images.

    I could probably hack the existing script, as it seems to make some sense, but why reinvent the wheel?

    I'do really like it to maketx 8bit images to tiled TIFF automagically and tiled EXR for floating point. Arnold comes with a tool for this (maketx).

    I couldn't find anything on ScriptSpot, but I may not have been looking in the right place.


  • #2
    maketx is part of the OpenImageIO library and you can get it from there.

    Other than that, it should be fairly easy to modify the existing script to do what you need.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I have and use maketx. It works well. Just looking for an easy batch conversion. Right now I am using the BatchRenamer from ScriptSpot to rename the assets to .tx after using a bat file to make the .tx files.

