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vrayUserScalar > Integer

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  • vrayUserScalar > Integer

    I'm trying to apply a unique seed to a tile map for each object, to randomise window intensities.
    I thought the vrayUserScalar might be a great way to achieve this as we can pipe a unique seed from the object into the shader, unfortunately, the vrayUserScalar is only producing map pixel colours, rather than integer values that can be used in float/integer values within the shader.

    Would if be possible to make a variation of the vrayUserScalar map that I can use to pipe numeric information on an object-by-object basis into shader parameters such as seed, uv-offset, etc.

    I can't think of another way to do this without going down a complex setup route.... unless anyone has any clever suggestions?

    As a side note, I'd love to hear any clever uses people have found for the vrayUserScalar map?

    Patrick Macdonald
    Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max

  • #2
    Perhaps use a script controller on those values like UV offsets?

    Could you not just use the user_scalar or even user_color to set the desired window intensity? Or access that with a VRayUserScalar or VRayUserColor and then combine it with something else in a composite map to achieve the window randomization?

    For instance set user scalars from 0.0 - 1.0 and then use a composite map with multiply to control, say reflectivity, or self illumination, etc.

    Then you could assign the user_scalars randomly with a script.

    What exactly are you trying to do, and what is the current approach?

    Which seed value are you trying to modify with a user scalar?

