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distrisbuted render....hmmm

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  • distrisbuted render....hmmm

    I have just tried starting vRays DR for the first time. I followed the instructions in the manual but the result differs somewhat to what's described in the manual.

    When I come to the point where I press the render button I get a popup with the option to save the scene somewhere. If I do so nothing happens. If I don't do so nothing happens.

    Does anyone know what's going on here??

  • #2
    max version?


    • #3
      oops...sorry. VIZ4


      • #4
        hi obeth !

        Well, there is absolutly no problem in what you describe.
        All is normal !

        You must save the scene in order to be loaded on other computers.
        This is not compulsive !
        It works like that !



        • #5
          I see, but shouldn't it start rendering. I just get a black VFB. Is there somewhere I have to save the scene to?


          • #6
            No, you can't render if your scene is not saved sorry
            Just save your scene in a folder seen by all the computers of your

            Did you set up your distributed rendering as it is explained in the tutorial
            topic of this forum ?
            Do you have a commun folder recognize by your computers ?

            If all that is ok, you should not have any problem after saving your scene.



            • #7
              The scene is saved but when I hit render I get promted to save again. So when I save to a shared directory the manager says that the servers have finished rendering and I get an error message saying : "error:Reentrant call, possible exceptions" - whatever that means. The virtual frame buffer is blank and no render has taken place.

              I followed the steps in the tutorial. I'm not sure if you are referring to a different tutorial that's online

